My only gripe is the fact that a small action over the terraces - away from the grinder mid-pond - should be a little more respected. These are not arranged/formal duels per se, but rather an informal agreement that the parties don't want to participate in the grinder and yet want the variety of situations that occur in a more fluid environment.
By letting these small 1 v 1, 1 v 2, 2 v 2 occur over to the side, undisturbed by the hordemonkeys, all parties involved get a little more experience/fun. What does anyone learn by jumping in to make a 1 v 2 a 1 v 3-4-5-6+? (not to be confused with the grinder)
When I'm heading towards the side, I'll often fly over an egagement (1 v 1 or 1 v 2) below or off to the side a bit. I could easily jump in for a pick... but i don't. I let them have their fun and continue to head where i hope to find my own brand of fun.
I have no gripes about the grinder, that's a true free for all. All you old AW vets who experienced "FighterTown" on the Big Pac maps should easily recognize furball lake for what it is.
This is why i'd like to see the bases a few more miles apart - the lemming trail to the grinder is so short and concentrated that it becomes difficult to find/make room for those little side actions.
So if you see one of these small actions on the side - give them a little respect/room and if you want some of it, be patient and let it play out... then take your turn. Coming in for a cheap pick/gang disrespects both your opponent and your friendlies. So if I call you out on doing such a thing - please.... do take it personally.

I do see the DA gained from the H2H closing - which is fine by me, as these former freeloaders are now paying customers, and as such are entitled to their opinions/gameplay as much as anyone else. However, they run the risk (just as in any arena) of being labled by other cliques. What kind of label they get depends on how they earn it, for good or bad.
The DA is fine as it is - could it use a few design tweaks? Sure, but it's up to the users to mold the "feel" of the are(n)a.
There will always be those stuck on suck and/or content with mediocrity. I hope to find the ones who want to improve - which is why i try and play off to the side of the grinder.