We fly mostly Late War, but have a few guys who spend time in the MW arena's also. Fly a variety of aircraft, mostly American planes but have no restrictions. Members range from Veteran masters of flight, to n00b masters of auger. We fly for Rooks, and more importantly, for fun. If you want to join a squad just so you have some regulars to wing with please consider us. We will equip you with the knowledge you need to be succesful, and a cool purple and black flightsuit as seen below in this still photgraph of the Cobras leaving the barracks to get in their planes.
Pictured from left to right. Blixen (constipated that day) Zuii (Ebony God) Knite (mysterious) Twinboom (IN-tensity) Fugitive (Our beloved Queen) Odbal (A picture is worth 1000 words) and Firbal (We don't see much of him either).