Author Topic: Enjoyed MW last night  (Read 1402 times)

Offline ODBAL

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Re: Enjoyed MW last night
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2009, 04:10:36 PM »
ummm I'm not even sure what team I was on last night..... but it was fun.

You were Rooks  :aok

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Offline xbrit

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Re: Enjoyed MW last night
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2009, 04:21:49 PM »
My favorite was when my FM2 was all over your p38 and Von swooped in and cleared my 12.  I logged!

Wasn't me in a 38, I don't fly bombers, maybe you got pings on my spit at an earlier time.

maybe I was on earlier than you but all I found was the same hourding, and smack talk, I was jumped by 4 or 5 cons, and then one or two was talking crap about how I was "stick stirring" and the plane I was flying,:rofl
 I guess they just wanted me to fly in a straight line for them  :rofl,

I challenged the one that started running his mouth first, to a 1 vs 1,  :rofl  he wanted no part of that though
how can someone be so afraid of losing a virtual life?  
I cant believe the amount of lame "fighting" done in these virtual skies.

Yeah must have been earlier Ink because though there was plenty of chatter on 200/all it was mainly lighthearted stuff.

Offline Big Rat

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Re: Enjoyed MW last night
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2009, 06:19:51 PM »
spent a lot of time at V67 last night.  I think I visited there with my A20 3 times that night and never dropped a bomb on anything but the ground. ran into air cons the first two times and jettisoned all my ordnance so I could fight, and just got assists.  The third time I made it in and looked around but no enemy GV's to be found :lol figures. Went back and caught a spit 9 on the deck by our airbase, being chased closely by a hurricane without ammo  :lol, jettisoned my ords and helped the hurri put the spit out of it's misery.  Not a fantastic night, just lots of assists, and most importantly I did have fun :aok

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