We need the TU-2 more then any other airplane in the game, I believe. By giving us this bomber Aces High would be fulfilling the following.
1, Filling out the Russian set.
2, Throwing the bomber guys a bone.
3, Giving us a highly capable airplane that can compete in the LWAs arenas where most of the action is.
4, Actually giving us a "other then Yank" bomber that can compete , and enhance, realistic missions and events.
Right now I'm having visions of the major eastern front battles of '43, '44, and '45. The TU-2 was at most of them, including the ones against Japan. Like the other Soviet airplanes we have already they reflect the basic mindset of the Soviet Air Force of WW-2. Close to the front, aggressive, and heavily involved in tactical operations. This was probably the best medium bomber of the war. Designed with pencil and paper by a guy sitting in a prison cell. The TU-2 would be like giving your B-26 the speed of a KI-67, or your KI-67 the bombload of a B-26.
It would be a great addition to the game. The PE-2 would be a fine alternative but I think we really need a Soviet level bomber.