And are you calling us sissies for flying 109F-4s, G-2s and 190A-5s against P-38Gs, Spit-Vs, IXs and Hurri-IIDs?
I think it's great that you Germans are willing to give your life for your country. Der Fuhrer will expect you to fight hard in Africa, and I'm sure he will never ever abandon you. Besides, I hear Rommel will be healthy enough to lead you and your superior aircraft. We Allies, despite getting slower and older aircraft due to our priority in the War, will be happy to use our planes, to push you out of Africa for good, fulfilling our destiny.
Fellow Scenario Pilots, you must ask yourselves this question.
Do you wish to fight for the conquest of oil or for the pursuit of freedom!
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Sloehand has been promoted to General.  General George "Sloehand" Patton Allied Armored Division Commander of North African Theater of Operations (NATO) | | By the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt I've also been given a promotion.
 -General Kermit D. Eisenhower Supreme Allied Commander of North African Theater of Operations (NATO) |