AH had this for a few years until the population grew and it became too much traffic on the buffer. I'm still chuckling just thinking about the buffer scrolling when I'd happen to drop a bomb on multiple VH's or pop a couple rockets on a line of planes taking off
No, no. You're not reading past the bold line.
The line listing your kills could/should ONLY appear when you land or get killed, not as you kill each and every enemy.
But that chuckle you're thinking of is the cool part. If you manage to kill a whole mess of enemy, the kill line would wrap to the next line, which really is an accomplishment that I think everyone would approve of.
Otherwise, if you "only" kill 7 or 8 guys, it would still all only appear on one line, which is no different than what we've got now. In most cases, the "kill line" would be longer than it is now, but it wouldn't necessarily be more than one line at a time.