Author Topic: New IDEA for the Tanks Spawn Points --- Please read  (Read 237 times)

Offline chad

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New IDEA for the Tanks Spawn Points --- Please read
« on: November 26, 2001, 03:00:00 PM »
Okay last night, when driving a tank all the way accross the map to the enemy base i was thinking to myself for a LONG time.

"How could we improve on Ground combat, and also make this Time driving less"

Then I came up with the idea, How about a C47 selects a Spawn Point at Hanger and places it into its hanger bay. It flys to the target and drops it off near the Town. NOW The Cargo Drops to the ground and opens up. This allows people at the base to now suddenly spawn at the enemy City, This would also Improve Tanks Combat.

Also the Spawn Point can be destoryed by Bombing it with 1000lb Bomb, this get rid of the spawn point and stop anyone from spawning there.

Please give me your Feedback, I think this could really add much More Fun to the game.

Offline john9001

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New IDEA for the Tanks Spawn Points --- Please read
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2001, 03:29:00 PM »
player selectable spawn points.......interesting..... .i think there should be a no drop zone around enemy base/city so you can't spawn right in city/base, it would be good for combined air/land attack

Offline snafu

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New IDEA for the Tanks Spawn Points --- Please read
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2001, 06:08:00 PM »
Hi All,
 Nice idea, worthy of discussion. The only thing I would say is they should have a limited lifespan either based on a specific time period or period of inactivity. The "Deadzone" around targets though would have to be at least 5 miles IMO. Also the number of "player" spawn points would have to be limited. I'm not sure of the programming implications (I would think it would be a nightmare) But nice idea. <S>!


Offline NUTTZ

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New IDEA for the Tanks Spawn Points --- Please read
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2001, 06:22:00 PM »
At first I didn't like the idea, THEN I thought alittle more on this idea... How about making it harder,,

Example: You could Build a forward dirt feild at a random or spot you dropped the supplies, Now more than 1 c-47 would be needed. lets say 4-5 each carrying different supplies NEEDED to build this forward feild, and all dropped within a certain amount of time and within a certain distance of each other. And a "safezone" around an enemy feild would also need to be determained.

That would be kewl, player controlled building random Airfeilds :)

That would change the face of the MA :)


Originally posted by chad:
Okay last night, when driving a tank all the way accross the map to the enemy base i was thinking to myself for a LONG time.

"How could we improve on Ground combat, and also make this Time driving less"

Then I came up with the idea, How about a C47 selects a Spawn Point at Hanger and places it into its hanger bay. It flys to the target and drops it off near the Town. NOW The Cargo Drops to the ground and opens up. This allows people at the base to now suddenly spawn at the enemy City, This would also Improve Tanks Combat.

Also the Spawn Point can be destoryed by Bombing it with 1000lb Bomb, this get rid of the spawn point and stop anyone from spawning there.

Please give me your Feedback, I think this could really add much More Fun to the game.

Offline chad

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New IDEA for the Tanks Spawn Points --- Please read
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2001, 06:22:00 PM »
Okay how about this.

MM, Mabe this would work.

The C47 Pilot Selects the Cargo and takes off from the AF, After flying to the target with 10 Cargo in its hanger, People Join the C47 with .Join ******, this then select the player to a cargo number, and so. When the C47 drops the cargo onto the ground near or closs to the base ( Only 10) the cargo that has been joined by the player, Turns into the a Player selection for the Vehcles that he or She want.

This enable 10 people to be droped off by a field or close too one. then they get to select there best rid and go and try to take the base.

Its one other idea. It means it limites the spawn point, and if only 5 people join the C47 the rest of the cargo just blows up.

Offline bongo

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New IDEA for the Tanks Spawn Points --- Please read
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2001, 06:23:00 PM »
Sounds good but not within shooting range  :cool:

Offline Pepe

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New IDEA for the Tanks Spawn Points --- Please read
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2001, 07:39:00 AM »
IMHO, the best idea I've seen here in a long time. I like a lot the dirt field construction concept.

Could be used for sneak capture, shorten drive time, improve teamwork...

I like especially the 10_players_in_goon_MAW  ;) Idea. I think it's awsome.



Offline LUPO

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New IDEA for the Tanks Spawn Points --- Please read
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2001, 07:54:00 AM »
I strongly support the idea!
This would add a lot of fun IMHO!


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New IDEA for the Tanks Spawn Points --- Please read
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2001, 10:40:00 AM »
An interesting idea.  After all, the CV’s are just moving spawn points, so why not come up with something similar for ground forces.  At some point in the future, it will be possible to drop a spawn point for first-person shooter action from a C-47 (see the HiTech interview at  ), so maybe something similar for GVs could be done as well.  Perhaps instead of using C-47s, you could expand the railroad network to run all over the terrain.  The moving spawn point could be an armed military transport train that you could route (in a manner similar to selecting fleet waypoints) around the rail network, the military train acting as a spawn point for GVs.  Historically, armies in WWII used railroads to transport armored forces near the front, because it was more economical than driving the tanks all the way from the rear areas, and resulted in less wear and tear on the equipment.  Train stations would function like ports, being the location where destroyed trains would re-spawn to when destroyed.  The stations would have to be capture-able, of course.  In the same manner as fleets cannot have waypoints that will take them to within five miles of the shore, the trains could be set up such that they could not be routed to within five miles of an a base/installation.  The train’s spawn point would then set the GVs down in the direction of the nearest enemy base/installation, just as the CV’s spawn LVTs just off shore of bases.