Author Topic: Kill Shooter needs revision  (Read 270 times)

Offline Raubvogel

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2001, 03:27:00 PM »
Let it alone. It's annoying, but not near as annoying as it would be if killshooter was off.

Offline Don

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2001, 10:05:00 PM »
IMO Killshooter is a necessary evil. Back in the days of AW DOS (the "grandfather of flight sims") there was no killshooter. Pilits would shoot teamates and countrymen down regularly. It was fun at times, and to a certain extent, it would discourage kill stealers. But many didn't care for it because it affected their K/D's, an important point which seemed to lead to some form of killshooter. Don't forget, HT and Pyro are former AW pilits, and perhaps some of their experiences and observations there, have formed their concept of our current flight combat sim here.
I don't care for kill stealers, and I feel badly when I do it myself  :rolleyes:
I don't intentionally do it but, it happens.
In the MA, there will always be the kill stealers, and if they try and are behind someone, they will pay a price for their greed. The downside is, when they have more E and dive down to steal yer hard earned kill, and you fire and die because of them. Because it is the MA, the odds are that it will happen to them too   :) This is why I like scenarios. The kill stealer doesn't do well in them because he/she will stick out like a sore thumb because there is a greater sense of teamwork than they are accustomed to.
In the MA its every man/woman for himself/herself. Its a tough place but fun most times. Either deal with it or, don't fly there.

Offline Aiswulf

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2001, 10:40:00 PM »
In reference to the original start to this thread on killshooter damage I've noticed that when I've accidently pinged someone who pops in between my target and I my damage ranges from merely hearing a ping on myself to actual serious damage.
I seriously think the damage applied to yourself from a KS is identical to whatever the actual damage would have been if you'd been shooting an nme rather than a countryman.
So if you barely pinged the plane in front of you then you are barely pinged but (as in most cases it seems) if the plane moved right through your convergence then you just tore a huge chunk outa your own plane.

Not 100% sure thats how it works but thats how it seems to happen to me  :)

Offline Don

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2001, 11:31:00 AM »
In reference to the original start to this thread on killshooter damage I've noticed that when I've accidently pinged someone who pops in between my target and I my damage ranges from merely hearing a ping on myself to actual serious damage.  

Actually Awulf,BigJim starts this thread with the idea of there being a no-shooter instead of what is in play now.  :)

Offline AKWarp

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2001, 08:43:00 PM »
Turn off killshooter completely.  Let greens kill what.  Annoying? Sure, can be, but the perp won't do it for long.  

Besides, as has been rammed down my throat by all the nay sayers when I say something like this...."'ll just have to suck it up and get used to it"  ;-P

Offline lemur

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2001, 06:51:00 PM »
Back in the day in "that other game" they allowed fragging your own teammates or the current system that AH uses as a selectable setting.

So what was there to protect people from teamkillers?

Simple, after x amount of teamkills you were declared 'persona non grata'. You got no ammo or bombs for a set period of time (I think it was a few hours) and you were basically stuck on decoy / gooney duty for the next few hours.

The nice part: If you did accidentally ping a friendly you made DAMN sure he landed safely. If he crashed before someone else damaged him you'd get credit for the kill, and that'd count towards your PNG total.

I honestly don't know if this will work in AH. But a combination of this, lost perks, and maybe a 'ban' feature would help.

Say the first 2 kills in a 24 hour period = loss of perks.
3rd kill causes PNG status for an hour of playing (or 12 hours if you aren't logged on)
Subsequent kills add an hour or more (12 hours) per kill.

And finally add a .forgive [player] so people can forgive those who've trespassed against them.

So if 'Joe Teamkiller' goes on a friendly shooting spree and kills 4 guys he looses perks and is denied ammo for 2 hours (or 24 hours if he's not logged in.)

But if 'Joe wingie' kills you by accident you have the option of saying '.forgive joe' and he suffers no ill effects (or maybe he just looses the perks)


Offline AKWarp

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2001, 11:48:00 PM »
Actually, that sounds like an interesting idea.  But alas, if you are allowed those one or two relative "freebies" on your countrymen, you hop sides, go on a mission and at the last second, you wax the goon.  Sure would have a lot of folks really mad at you.  

I dunno, I think we'd certainly see a spate of same team killing going on, but just like everything in this game, it all eventually drops off to a dull roar.  But then again, there are those times when someone on your own side does something so heinous you really want to light them up ;-)

My main concern is with the kill stealers.  I try hard to conserve ammo and nothing yanks my crank more than knocking the tail off a spit and then have some dork-o-matic follow it down shooting all the way just to get the kill.  Or to have someone butt in front of you when you're d300 on a con's tail and end up killing yourself because of killshooter.  lately I've taken to shooting cons to the point they explode (if I am able).  Sucks not being able to get more than a few kills per sortie this way though....

Personally, I'm willing to take the chance of getting wasted by my own team members just to have a recourse for the above scenarios.


  • Parolee
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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2001, 08:43:00 AM »
What about this:
First ks ping has no effect, second ks ping and shooting plane looses 25% of its ammo. Third ks ping, shooting plane looses 50% of its remaining ammo. Fourth ks ping, shooting plane looses 90% of its remaining ammo. Any more than 4 ks pings and shooting plane pilot gets wounded so he must return quickly to a friendly base.