Yes all great ideas! Thanks, at least I know that I'm not the
only one with thoughts about the overly simplistic, current
terrain model..
Really, since time infernal, mankind has been building trails,
tracks, roads, highways, that go from one place to another..
Simply because ppl needed to travel between points A and B..
How often does a civilization, build roads that go NOWHERE? LOL!!!
Those same routes, have always become the axis of advance for
hostile armies in time of war.. Mostly because the routes traverse
natural obstacles that would bar, or severely limit movement of
an army.. So, armies use the roads whenever possible.. This was
ESPECIALLY true in the ETO during WWII..
As it sits now, IMO, the best GV fights happen on the green map with
the canyons thru the mountains.. This uses a very artificial map
terrain feature to concentrate players in the battle zone.. A realistic
road network, and more realistic terrain effect on movement, would do
the same thing naturally, everywhere on ANY map.. After all, if the "highway
to hell" is the fastest way of attack, ppl are going to use it!!!
So? The spawns are set at a village crossroad on the main highway, about
the same distance away from the target town/base as now. So unfettered
travel time is about the same by road.. But the road will travel right over
the enemy spawn, (at another village crossroad).. LOL!!! You end up seizing
control of their spawn, (buddies camp it), and move on to the target.. Or,
split off and flank the spawn, on secondary roads that rejoin the main hwy at
little villages along the way.. Or, you can move crosscountry, at a slower
speed.. IMO, gamewise it would serve to concentrate the fighting... And besides,
that was pretty much how the fighting went during fast mobile ops in europe..
Crossroad to crossroad.. Village to village..
Bridges, would be the critical choke points, (destroyable and rebuildable w
bridge supps).. Rivers, or creeks, could be bridged by engies w bridge supps
at any point.. And those bridges would be choice targets for JABOs and DBers..
That would make for some great fights itself..
Just think of all the new vehicle and equipment possibilities, bridging tanks,
engineer vehicles, antitank guns, etc, etc...
GV'in is fun, but it could be a REAL blast in this game.. But it'll take more than
another new tank to get us there..