To me, the biggest issue with our tanks (aside from vulnerability to aircraft, which is a whole multi-tier argument in itself) is the identical sighting systems and the ability to fire out to forever. There are people in this game who can hit a moving tank at 6,000 yards with easily less than ten rounds due to the sight quality and the lack of visual blocks like ground fog or dust clouds. Not only unrealistic, but people being fired upon from that far out don't even know they're being shot at.
Stalin's 4th was different because the terrain was almost entirely flat and FULL of tress and ground clutter. More than once I doddled around a corner in a forest to be looking down the barrel of a Panzer. Though the bridge system could use a bit of reworking (perhaps having to find a slightly-further-away indestructible crossing instead of being forced to fight in LVTs), the ground system in that setup was great.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there were any large bombs in play either, besides on the level bombers. I don't remember if the Hurricanes were allowed to carry the 2x500lb bombs...even if they were, that's a lot less of a threat to a tank group than an A-20. Anti-tank work was down to precise bombing with smaller bombs and gunnery instead of "dump egg somewhere on field, attempt to count number of kills."