Author Topic: Ground collision modeling  (Read 113 times)

Offline mrsid2

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Ground collision modeling
« on: December 09, 2001, 08:20:00 AM »
When are the ground collisions going to be fixed?

As it is now, it's impossible to try to go through small passages at low speeds because even the slightest touch kills instantly, be it ground vehicle or boat.

I've been killed to PT boat in multiple instances on clear water. The shoreline gives no warning of shallow water and even if you slide _very_ slowly and throttle off, ground contact kills instantly.

Offline lemur

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Ground collision modeling
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2001, 04:17:00 PM »
And in a similar vien... what about plane vs. ground collisions?

One of the things I loved in WB (one of the only things) was the way the plane would fly apart when you augered at a low angle of attack. I realize you die pretty quickly in AH but, just for the sake of atmosphere & immersion, it'd be neat if you were still 'alive' for a second or more after you died. Just enough time to see your airplane skatter parts everywhere, wings ripping off, etc.

It really added to the violent feeling of crashing (or getting shot down) and in turn added to the gameplay.

Ditto with the PT boats. Why not model holed hulls and eventual sinking rather than the current 'BOOM you're dead.'


[ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: lemur ]

Offline Aiswulf

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Ground collision modeling
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2001, 10:43:00 AM »
Along the PT vein maybe instead of going BOOM when you touch shore model it like tanks that have their tracks shot out fro them.  You'd be stuck on shore but unable to go anywhere.   :)
And where you get shot up by planes and the like you would start slowly sinking unless they got your fuel of course.

[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Awulf ]