Author Topic: KOTH and CM eye use  (Read 1412 times)

Offline Sled

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KOTH and CM eye use
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:37:22 PM »
If you want to change a persons mind on something, you have to come to them with a good convincing augment for your position on the matter. You can't just say "I think it is a bad idea" or "well if you do that, I won't be participating anymore." Those are not convincing reasons change your mind on a decision. That kind of stuff is just a complaint about the decision. And as we all know, there are always people who will complain, so if you spend your time changing your mind based on complaints, it will be hard to get anywhere.

Fortunately for the KOTH players, ONE participant in KOTH was able to have a rational and intelligent conversation with me (by PM's), and present a good argument for why CM eye should be available for use by the players. and also convince me that the potential inappropriate use of CM eye is not going to be a big factor in the event.

After discussion with the KOTH team we have decided that the use of CM Eye will remain available for downed pilots during the round of play.

Keep in mind it is an EASY argument that CM eye should not be available for KOTH players to use, but for now, I am convinced that it will not be a big factor in the events out comes. Also, I think for now it will be of more positive use that non-positive.

There have been adjustments to the rules, but most of those are simplifications and a general reduction to the amount of rules in the event.

The new rule list will be posted in a sticky soon.

Myself and the KOTH team received a lot of scoff, ridicule, and general grief over this, and as you can see it was completely unnecessary. We can discuss issues with the players, and often make adjustments to things when we are approached about said issue in a reasonable way. In this case we were, albeit by only ONE person, and that was a little disappointing.

In the end this event only happens because of two things. people willing to put forth a LARGE amount of effort to run and organize it, i.e. the CM Team specifically Fuzeman and AKdogg, and the players that attend. But keep in mind, the players come and go, the CM team is always there.

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Offline Bosco123

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Re: KOTH and CM eye use
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2009, 03:21:23 PM »
I thank you guys very much about this. I like KOTH because it demonstrates a lot of ability onto one little package. This just doesn't mean that you learn it by participating, more by watching what you can, from players that have trained themselves to do what they need to do to get the round won. I try and make KOTH as fun as I can, and I more or less try and not to win. I like to keep the KOTH going as long as I can, to have as much fun as I can. I usually die then watch the person that killed me, and I watch what they did to beat me to other players.
I know who spoke up, because the evidence is there, I won't say who the person is, but I would like to extend my gratitude to the CMs all involved in this. It was a hair pulling moment, and I'm glad that we got past it.
<S> CMs and Players, who participate every KOTH.
Skifurd AKA "Bosco"
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Offline Sled

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Re: KOTH and CM eye use
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2009, 05:13:45 PM »
Thank you Bosco.

It is nice to see that at least ONE PERSON, can step up and say "thank you"

It's funny, when we were going to make an unpopular decision, for the good of the event, everybody and their brother were lining up to give the CM team a "piece of their mind".

Then the decision is changed, also for the good of the event, and only one person can say "thank you".


There is only one problem.  Squeak.  Make KOTH 18 and over.  Problem solved.

This thread makes me wonder if the opposite is true.
~Sled~                 Aces High Special Events
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Offline jerkins

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Re: KOTH and CM eye use
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2009, 06:31:51 PM »
Thanks CM's for taking concerns, and criticisms so well with regards to the CM eye mode rule. 
Strike Bandits
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