Joker and his cronies were up to their usual vulch and run trick, so i decided to do the honourable thing and chase down their perk planes in an la7
Anyhow Joker and SlammerX run to their cv and i think what the hell, im in for the vulch too,, anyways Jocker lands his pelts and im blazin away at the cv when i see BOOM i killed slammer, then wacko he gets a kill credit on the screen,, consequently cv gunner wastes me. All in good fun and certainly no accusation of untoward gameplay or use on any side,, my concern is the game failed to deny the landing of kills when it had issued a death notice for said player. Now i dont make a habit of this, but everynow and again, you come across a real ack hugger who must be taught a lesson ,,ie vulched on landing,, id hate to think this glitch would deprive me of this final act of disapproval....