Have you tested that assumption? I have.
Does the Pope know Latin?
Any time you reduce speed below corner velocity, your turn rate suffers. With the exception of the P-47s, P-51s and P-40s, every aircraft that deploys even one notch of flaps will be below corner velocity, or below corner velocity an instant later. The above mentioned will be below corner in about two seconds if pulling more than 3g. The vast majority of fighters can't begin to lower flaps until below corner velocity. So, their turn rate is already below optimum.
To determine corner velocity and the effect flaps have on turn rate and radius, you need Badboy's Bootstrap Calculator found here:
http://www.badz.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Academy/AH_BootStrap.zipThen, you need to record speed and time when turning the tightest circles you can manage. I recommend doing no less than 3 circles, taking the average of time and speed. Plug this data into Badboy's calculator and you'll have the data you require. Do it for clean and for each flap position. You will notice that sustained turn rate is much, much less than that at corner velocity. Adding flaps further reduces speed, and turn rate follows it down.
Once you grasp what Badboy's calculator is telling you, you'll see that flap usage is something you'll want to manage very carefully.
My regards,