I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.
I was a fan of neubob/slipknot
Guppy, Widewing, Mike Williams, Tony Williams.There are others I like for specific kinds of info, but those are the guys that I think really know their stuff.
Zazens' posts have made my head hurt before...he's scary smart. CorkyJrs' knowledge of WW2 amazes me. I think Lusche is a Hitech shade with all that he knows. And I like Ack-Ack, SkyRock, Krusty, Kayara, and Hubs' posts because poop usually hits the fan soon after. Any posts from the aceshigh training corp I also enjoy.
I paid Rabbit to say that
uh... that lil ewe you paid me with had fleas as well as other hygene issues sure she looked good in the picts you sent me but, just like buying old cars on Ebay she had hidden flaws that you failed to mention ! Ink what ya got in trade got a well used ewe.... belonged to Uptown low miles