Author Topic: P51 fm  (Read 745 times)

Offline scout

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P51 fm
« on: January 14, 2000, 03:06:00 AM »
When taking off you 95 mph before you can fly the tail up.

(Stick full forward, full forward trim)

Is this right ?

Testing earlier version (0.38) the tail comes up easily at 50mph.

Offline Fishu

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P51 fm
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2000, 05:21:00 AM »
I wonder whos said to do so..
Only you have to do is to get nose bit above horizont level when enough speed achieved..
and lift off at 130mph

Offline gatt

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P51 fm
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2000, 07:49:00 AM »

If you try to lift the tail too soon you'll loose most of the pedals effectiveness, just when you vertical stab is (still) pretty useless.
You have to rise your tail only when your vertical stab has enuff air flow to let you control the kite.

Thats why in most taildraggers you have to keep the stick in your guts till the speed is up (some had a tail wheel lock as well).

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Offline scout

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P51 fm
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2000, 07:57:00 AM »
Its not about whether its the right procedure, its about that it is impossible to do.

And that it has changed from earlier versions where you could.

Not having flown a P51 :-) intuitively I think  at 94.5 mph you _should_ be able to lift the tail.

A Warbirder who has flown a P51 (Crazy Horse) mentions getting the tail up at 50mph to see better.
(specifically he says 50 _knots_ but I think that was a typo considering he otherwise in the thread refers to mph).

Brand-W lets you do it at 25mph (which may or may not be right).

There's also this weird fm lockup I can't reliably reproduce where the P51 runs along the ground at 120mph with the tail firmly down and impossible to raise.