Author Topic: Gunners in a b-17  (Read 702 times)


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Gunners in a b-17
« on: January 14, 2000, 07:01:00 PM »
Is it possible to have more than one person in a b-17? Like one piloting and one using the gunner positions?

Offline -raxx-

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Gunners in a b-17
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2000, 08:12:00 PM »
In the readme.txt under version .36 is this....


Gunners have been implemented in this version but there is still
finishing work to be done.  The major parts of the gunner system
that need to be finished are polygon sorting in the gunner positions,
gun rotations, and interface.

Since the gunner interface is not in this version, you will have to
use dot commands for now.  They are as follows:

.join playerid - Sends a join request to pilot that pops up a dialog
asking if he wants to accept you as a gunner/observer.

.unjoin playerid - Deletes your attachment to a pilot.

.accept playerid
.decline playerid - These two commands can be used by the host pilot
in place of clicking on the dialog.

Pilots can either jump to their gun positions or host a single gunner.
Gunners can join a pilot at any time, even in-flight.  Attached gunners
will remain attached until they unjoin from the pilot, even through
multiple sorties.

The jump position keys have been mapped to keys 1-9 on the keyboard.
If you have remapped your keyboard setup, you will have to manually
set these keys using the keymapper in the setup clipboard.

If a pilot jumps to a gunner position, the plane will continue on
auto-pilot.  While in the gunner position, the pilot can cause the
auto-pilot to bank by using his rudder input.  

There are two firing buttons available in the gunner positions.  One
fires only the weapon at the station you are currently manning.  The
other firing button fires all weapons that can point at your aiming

The cheek guns do fire, but are not mannable stations.