Author Topic: "Clobber College" Arena  (Read 547 times)

Offline Old Sport

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"Clobber College" Arena
« on: March 01, 2009, 01:44:23 PM »
Pure fighter vs fighter.

I'd like to see an arena in which fighter sweep Missions consisting of 16 v 16 would automatically run every half-hour – at the top of the hour and at the bottom of the hour – so you always know when it is running (48 A2A missions a day).

You would be able to see the missions 2-3 hours ahead of time (i.e. about 4-6 missions) and be able to register for the slot you want.

Missions could be Spit Vs v 109Fs, Hellcats v Georges, P-47 D11s v 190As, Wildcat v A6M2, Corsair 1A v Frank, Pony v Dora, P-38L v K4, LA 5 v 190A8, etc, etc (Someone knows what planes are close enough matches.) There could be mixed flights like for example 8 Spit Is with 8 Hurri Is v 12 109Es and 4 110s, etc, or Mossies, Typhi v 110s, 109G, etc.

All mission members take off together, climb for 7-9 minutes – engage the opposing sweep for 5-7 minutes – and survivors go home to land. Landing is part of the mission. The object of each mission is to splash the enemy, stay alive, help your buddies stay alive, and go home. Points for Clobber College Arena are made by having more of your planes return than your opponents.

As pure two-sided A2A there is no great concern for the terrain of maps, though sun angle and clouds should vary, and carrier ops would be nice on occasion.

The initial quota for a mission could be 8 players v 8. When that threshold is met, four more slots are available on each side for 12 v 12, then up to 16 v 16. Partial filling of slots could be met by AI.

Icon range short. Full bags for all planes, possibly DTs on some missions.

The cloud base could range from Angels 13-15 and be the goal to climb over before combat. You can dive to the deck if you want, but the initial contact is Angels 15-20.

This is something of an enlarged automatic H2H and downsized Combat Tour. It is not easy mode and would not be for everyone. Some people jus' gotta' have the MA. But I bet it would stay busy.

I wonder of one of the Scenario servers, when idle most of the week, could be used for Clobber College.

Best regards.

Offline james

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Re: "Clobber College" Arena
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2009, 01:53:42 PM »
I would probably go there a lot more because of the setups. Sounds like a lot of fun.

4.0GHZ Ryzen9 3900x
32GB DDR4 3200

Offline fudgums

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Re: "Clobber College" Arena
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2009, 02:06:09 PM »
its a more complicated AvA.
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Offline Fianna

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Re: "Clobber College" Arena
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2009, 02:06:48 PM »
This actually sounds like a good idea.

One change I would make is eliminate the climbing. I'd like it to be like the offline missions, where you are transported to the engagement point.

Offline trotter

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Re: "Clobber College" Arena
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2009, 02:13:45 PM »
Sounds like you would be interested in the Squad Dueling League,452.0.html

Large A2A engagements, organized with an emphasis on teamwork and staying alive.

Your idea is a good one though and I'd like to see it implemented.

Offline Old Sport

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Re: "Clobber College" Arena
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2009, 10:03:03 AM »
Thanks for the feedback folks.

Sounds like you would be interested in the Squad Dueling League

Thanks, I probably would if the time zone I live in was favorable.  :D

... eliminate the climbing.

I'm flexible on that, though I really think the "warp" transfer of locations might feel a bit out of character. I've flown some of the off line missions and some are actually pretty good, thought the AI gets a little predictable.

I do think that at minimum each of the two side could have two bases, one lower for use when you are flying faster climbing planes, and one base at a higher level for slower climbing planes.

Well, here's hopin' that HT will make use of some of the CT components they developed.


Offline trotter

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Re: "Clobber College" Arena
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2009, 01:55:54 PM »
Thanks for the feedback folks.

Thanks, I probably would if the time zone I live in was favorable.  :D

What time zone? We have several squads with players around GMT, one (The Few) actually GMT+- only.

Even if you're further out (Aussie?), the duel times are decided on by the squads participating, so you can set a time that works best for everyone involved  :aok

Offline Cajunn

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Re: "Clobber College" Arena
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2009, 02:44:05 PM »
This would be absolutely cool if they were to get the WW1 set....... :rock
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