You are clueless.
No. Im experienced.
I helped raise my sister from the time she was 6 because my father wasnt around and my mother had to work.
I've been pretty involved in several of my friends kids lives over the years. To the point where a few of them refer to me as their "other father"
Not to mention my nieces and nephews.
and you wont find 1 of them that will say I was easy or overly permissive of them.
Then I have successfully raised my son who is about to turn 21. And am currently working on my daughter who is 12.
At this point I've learned which battles are worth fighting. and which arent.
I've monitored my sons activities and still monitor my daughters. Easy enough to do even without a key logger.
I just havent always said anything.
I'm clueless yet you havent seemed to notice I wasnt overly critical of you in my post except to say that you busted her for acting like a normal 14 year old.
I did happen to mention that it was "your kid, your call"
I merely pointed out that by making a huge deal over it. you will probobly only serve to drive the activity underground.
But then again. out of sight. Out of mind right?
I may be clueless.
But you are delusional.
But I already knew that