Author Topic: Your just a score guy  (Read 1655 times)

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #60 on: March 25, 2009, 06:53:13 AM »
I think your on to something with flying with inexperienced mizzuns planners but after awhile, couple of weeks, things and opinions of missions posted and by who would be balanced and bad mizzun planners would fly with good mission planners.  Or even multiple missions together.  I think tactically things would get better and people would play better faster. 

As far as convoys and more trains and making strat targets worth hitting I agree :rock

As far as killing nothing but NOE missions :aok :aok :aok

My whole point is increasing the skill level of all and making the game better, more realistic and in my opinion what it was designed to be.  It has become a rarity to see anything other than NOE missions, furballs and spawn camping.  The game has been played to its capacity and the weak points are being exploited over and over again.  Lets mix it up a bit.

Stirring the pot as usual :noid
Maybe its just the times I play at but I really havnt seen many NOE missions lately, seen alot more fighter/gv combos that arent really a planned mission but just what seems to happen, I know when POTW takes a base we have like 5 gvs hittting town then field and about 5 fighters clearing enemy fighters and il2s
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Offline Lye-El

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #61 on: March 25, 2009, 10:51:59 AM »
we can't have one mission oriented night a week.  jeez. I'm a successful business owner and I am always trying to improve my product based on what my clients have to say.  Forget the weekly stuff lets try it once and see what the feed back is

Ever wonder why most people don't join missions now?  psst....they don't want to.

i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs

Offline LLogann

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #62 on: March 25, 2009, 11:25:42 AM »
You must be a Rook or Knight...............  ;)

Ever wonder why most people don't join missions now?  psst....they don't want to.
See Rule #4
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Offline ToeTag

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #63 on: March 25, 2009, 12:13:53 PM »
Ever wonder why most people don't join missions now?  psst....they don't want to.

Well if I see NOE after NOE mission posted I don't join either.  One or two and it gets pretty boring.  I think that there are allot of people who either don't want to learn how to play strategically.  Or there aren't enough people with the time or patience to teach newer players.  I think that mission night would allow for more of that as well as help squads recruit players that would otherwise never get to know the people in different squads.  Not to mention as my ultimate goal it would add fresh ideas and a slightly different type of game play that folks might actually start to enjoy. :aok
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Offline ImADot

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #64 on: March 25, 2009, 05:48:44 PM »
NO NO NO......If we can have special events like Titanic Tuesdays, Heavy metal Sunday, FSO, snapshots and the like...can we not advertise with the slightest bit of enthusiasm a mission only night?
"I want a night where you can only fly in a mission."

FSO and snap shots and scenarios are not full capacity game play events.  Meaning you cant choose your plane and load out, nor can you go to any field you want.   The "Theres allot of them" folks would like this option.  The option of plane set, load out and only to work as a team.
This is the definition of joining a mission.

If they don't like one mission they can choose from another or they can fly with their squad and they can do any thing they want.
Not on "Mission Night" they can't.

So I guess on "Mission Night", at least half (if not more) of the player base will be watching TV or playing another game.
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Offline Dm6

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #65 on: March 25, 2009, 05:54:45 PM »
That is as far as I got in this thread.

This is as far as I got   <BYE>

Offline ToeTag

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #66 on: March 25, 2009, 06:03:33 PM »
"I want a night where you can only fly in a mission."
This is the definition of joining a mission.
Not on "Mission Night" they can't.

So I guess on "Mission Night", at least half (if not more) of the player base will be watching TV or playing another game.

It would be based in SEA not MA. Nothing changes with the game except you have to fly a mission to up.  Could even be a couple of fighters and their wingmen..  I never said that you had to coordinate a 20 plane sortie.  Just introduce the hey lets get together and hit it at once not in the green string you all to often see.  Even if there is a green string you now that at least 5 planes are headed in at the same time. I used to be in Rolling Thunder and even with a squad as big as they were we would get strung out and uncoordinated when trying for the second attempt at a base capture.  As far as people watching TV and playing other games,  WTH does this have to do with anything???!!!  They can still hit the MA.  I will admit this thread has morphed into a more simplified idea than the initial post, so when reading please keep this in mind.  Also that the good thing about these forums is that feed back is key and I appreciate everyones input and help in making this something that might actually be possible with out allot of effort, programming and so on.  Throw it out there and see what happens...might be fun :salute
They call it "common sense", then why is it so uncommon?

Offline caldera

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #67 on: March 25, 2009, 06:08:29 PM »
Ever wonder why most people don't join missions now?  psst....they don't want to.

A big -1 for mission night. If it comes to pass, there will be one less easy kill for your horde (i mean mission). I'll be watching C-Span.

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Offline ImADot

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #68 on: March 25, 2009, 07:22:48 PM »
Away from the MA and just see how it pans out.
Went back and scanned all your posts in the thread and found this one sentence.  I guess I got lost along the way during the dozens of posts in the thread and didn't realize somewhere along the way, somewhere in the middle, you actually said something that would lead us to believe you weren't talking about the main arenas.

It would be based in SEA not MA.
This should have been in the first paragraph of the first post in the thread.  Also, the thread topic has absolutely nothing to do with the actual wish buried in this thread.

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Offline ToeTag

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Re: Your just a score guy
« Reply #69 on: March 25, 2009, 08:03:43 PM »
thats part of the art of finding out what works and what doesn't (Negotiations).  I would like to have my original post for game play.  However reading replies it has been modified from the root of the original post.  Being that team play is the ultimate goal and maybe a mission night would help benefit the game even if for only one night.  I personally think that it would spill over into the MA after time.  Increasing the team work factor and skill set of pilots who have participated.  If anything it is a hands on TA with consequences.  Cant just respawn 500 times you gotta wait for a respwan until a mission is posted.  That shouldn't be a problem because everyone has to fly a mission.  So you may not be able to up from the field that you where at.  Ending the Revenge HO kill.  Ending the A1 giant GV jamboree.  Unless that is that somebody planned a mission to spawn 40 tanks and supplies at the spawn making it a more ambitious attack overwhelming the camped perk farmers.  This would push the 8 day spawn camp and maybe only last a day if not an hour. If not 10 minutes if not caught in time.  You see the progression of the game play that I speak of .... :salute  You say that wouldnt be fun I would loose my score and perks  That was kinda the Idea behind having rank instead of a number...I hate numbers guys...Rank means you have been here a while and have done it before and can help the players around you.  Perks and points only mean that you know how to play the game in safe mode.  Lets take away safety belts and get for feet dirty...little MUUUUUUUD WWWWRastlin :rock
They call it "common sense", then why is it so uncommon?