Author Topic: Inverted Outside Loop  (Read 477 times)

Offline Voss

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Inverted Outside Loop
« on: February 22, 2001, 04:06:00 PM »
I couldn't get the P-51D to do this with my old CH FS Pro. The problem was the red out syndrome on the back side of the loop. Scaling my stick for combat didn't allow me the chance to lessen the curve for outside manuevers. Everytime I went into the negative pitch area I would red out.

I'm planning on upgrading to a USB CH setup. I went down to Wally World and got a MS Sidewinder Precision 2 for a backup stick, until I can find the CH setup I want. Installing it was a cinch and I went into AH to try a few things out. I nearly took it right back off my system when I had a call from Ice. He mentioned that other guys using USB sticks have the AH scalings at 100% all the way across, so I moved mine back to full. Then I went into the Sidewinder setup and set deadband and range to suit my expectations. Once I was back into AH I was loving it again. In fact, I can't see why anyone would stick to anything else. USB is the way to go.

Now the Outside loop is very easy and controllable. By widening the deadband in the negative direction it is very easy to control red out. I like these sticks!

Can't wait for my CH though.


LJK Raubvogel

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Inverted Outside Loop
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2001, 04:57:00 PM »
I've been using a MS Precision Pro USB for about 2 years, and I love it. It doesn't have  200 buttons, but with the shift button, I can still cram everything I need on it.