Author Topic: wishlist filter  (Read 2276 times)

Offline Banshee7

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2009, 12:00:06 PM »
See Rules #4, #6
« Last Edit: April 04, 2009, 12:53:28 PM by Skuzzy »
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Offline james

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2009, 12:31:40 PM »
Wrongway and banshee, did you guys maybe post anything involving the OP in another area of the bbs that got him to come in here? Just a thought really.

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Offline Banshee7

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2009, 02:25:01 PM »
Wrongway and banshee, did you guys maybe post anything involving the OP in another area of the bbs that got him to come in here? Just a thought really.

Not that I can recall.  Never heard of him

See Rules #4, #6

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Offline StokesAk

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2009, 02:32:11 PM »

Offline Banshee7

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2009, 02:33:36 PM »

pretty sad when you quote yourself.

To the OP...can you please explain, using quotes, links, etc., what you are talking about?
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Offline StokesAk

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2009, 02:48:10 PM »
i though that too.

Offline sethipus

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2009, 05:23:18 PM »
Granted it's not merely a popularity contest, usually.  I've never said anything on here was stupid or wrong.  I have merely explored some suggestions in a bit more depth.
From the "how many kills do I have" thread:

"Get a knife and cut notches in your desk.  Too permanent?  Pen and paper?  If you are concerned with how many kills you have in the past 10 or 15 minutes and can't remember it must not really be that important."

Sounds like mocking sarcasm to me.  And that's one example of many such posts by you.  It's a wishlist forum, not a "criticize every idea as stupid because I wouldn't personally use it" forum.  Someone wishes the .kills command were in the game.  HTC can decide to put it in, or not.  Simple as that.  I wouldn't use a .kills command either.  Doesn't make it stupid.

Offline sethipus

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2009, 05:29:30 PM »
Actually, I hadn't been on the forums that much lately.  Wrongway just really stood out to me as I went through the wishlist threads as someone who just had to have his say about each and every request, usually to mock or put down the poster, call the request stupid, or whatever.  And right before I posted the OP, I saw a thread or two where Banshee was playing the exact same role, and just thought I'd point it out.  I wasn't aware that HTC had appointed any other players "Guardians of HTC's Precious Time" and "Saviors of HTC from Stupid Ideas".

Offline Banshee7

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2009, 06:06:28 PM »
Actually, I hadn't been on the forums that much lately.  Wrongway just really stood out to me as I went through the wishlist threads as someone who just had to have his say about each and every request, usually to mock or put down the poster, call the request stupid, or whatever.  And right before I posted the OP, I saw a thread or two where Banshee was playing the exact same role, and just thought I'd point it out.  I wasn't aware that HTC had appointed any other players "Guardians of HTC's Precious Time" and "Saviors of HTC from Stupid Ideas".

Again, provide quotes, links, etc. to show me playing this so called role.
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Offline james

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2009, 06:14:34 PM »
I like looking at the time someone makes a complaint or observation and comparing it to the time it takes for the usual 4 (we are missing one in here so far) to come in  and pull the same routine.

Maybe a sticky with things that have been tried in the game would be good on the actual website? Not everyone has been here 10 years to know a lot of that and search doesn't always pan out.  Since not everyone is a programmer a list of what is able to be modeled or not in here would help? More of a what is or isn't possible kind of sticky?

 The ignore feature we had at one time in here was pretty useful, a step further would be a way to let the ignored person know it was happening and a short reason why might be cool?

Do stand by for the "get thicker skin" retort though. I feel its on the way.

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Offline AWwrgwy

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2009, 06:47:45 PM »
Actually, I hadn't been on the forums that much lately.  Wrongway just really stood out to me as I went through the wishlist threads as someone who just had to have his say about each and every request, usually to mock or put down the poster, call the request stupid, or whatever.  And right before I posted the OP, I saw a thread or two where Banshee was playing the exact same role, and just thought I'd point it out.  I wasn't aware that HTC had appointed any other players "Guardians of HTC's Precious Time" and "Saviors of HTC from Stupid Ideas".

Again, provide quotes, links, etc. to show me playing this so called role.

Put me down for one of those too.

If someone wishes for something you can already do in game by another means, I will point it out.  It is even appreciated occasionally.

Never have I called any wish stupid nor have I belittled anyone who made a wish.  It seems the largest bone of contention over when I point out some possible flaw in a wish is that I didn't merely agree out of rote with the poster and had the audacity to post why the wish may not work.  Most of these are "it would be easier if..." wishes.  You already have the ability do do something but don't want to make the effort to use the resources available to you.  I would probably argue why auto-take off wouldn't be necessary if it wasn't already in game.  :)

Actually, I rarely come out and oppose any one's wish.  Maybe it's not going to work out the way I perceive the wisher thinks it will.  I know I have -1'd a few times but for the most part, I'm just voicing a different opinion.  It certainly isn't up to me anyhow.  You're giving me way too much credit.

The larges issue, hoverer seems to be me asking for someone to "sell it"  instead of posting "F2H Banshee --Link."  My response to that is to, again, quote The Fugitive, who put it much more eloquently than I:

I would seem to me that you would try to impress as many people as you can with your idea.

First, if it is well thought out and well presented its has a much better chance of NOT being forgotten by HTC as soon as they click to the next page.

Second, if you stimulate the community with a well thought out idea it will create activity on the boards and bring it again into the notice of HTC, giving them more food for thought, such as "there seems to be a big interest in this, maybe we should look into it".

However, you can keep up with repeating the same old wishes. I'm sure that will generate a favorable response. I'm sure there is some magic number HTC has on a post-it note which reads "on wish list request #7,326 we add the B-29" 

If the person making the wish isn't passionate about it, why should anyone else be?

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Offline sethipus

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2009, 07:07:58 PM »
Who ever said the purpose of the wishlist was to get all the other players to be passionate about any given wish?  What's wrong with people just throwing their ideas out there, and letting HTC accept or reject them on their own terms, and for their own reasons?  Why does anyone have to justify their wish to you anyway?

Anyhow, I'm done with this thread.  It was stupid of me even to post it in the first place, and it served its purpose already, which was perhaps to make you think twice before just knee-jerk ragging on everyone's wishes that you don't happen to like personally.

Banshee was included as an afterthought after I saw one or two of his posts doing that too (like this one), and because I was still annoyed with him for acting like such a dork the other night in country channel that I and many others had to mute him and a bunch of other dorks who were playing his little game and responding to him.

Offline Slade

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2009, 08:03:20 PM »

Our BS perceptions aside, the only thing that seems constant is that you do not approve of the way I posted a Wish.  That is the crux if we remove all the false perceptions.

Already while this thread has been active others have posted another Wish in the same manner as I have (a plane suggestion and an informative link).  Who is to judge if this is good or bad?  You and I are certainly no authority here.

For me it was simple and affective.  A way to start or restart a process.  I don't know why others do it?

Perhaps I am wasting your time.  You could be off badgering the next guy that posted a Wish in a manner that you disagree with.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2009, 08:18:00 PM by Slade »
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Offline Banshee7

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #28 on: April 04, 2009, 08:50:59 PM »
edited before another skuzzification
« Last Edit: April 04, 2009, 08:54:49 PM by Banshee7 »
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Offline AWwrgwy

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Re: wishlist filter
« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2009, 08:13:43 AM »

Our BS perceptions aside, the only thing that seems constant is that you do not approve of the way I posted a Wish.  That is the crux if we remove all the false perceptions.

Already while this thread has been active others have posted another Wish in the same manner as I have (a plane suggestion and an informative link).  Who is to judge if this is good or bad?  You and I are certainly no authority here.

For me it was simple and affective.  A way to start or restart a process.  I don't know why others do it?

Perhaps I am wasting your time.  You could be off badgering the next guy that posted a Wish in a manner that you disagree with.

It's nothing personal.  I'm not looking for any one's approval.  Are you looking for any one's approval?  Otherwise, why bother posting at all?  I am merely challenging you and others to rise above the mediocrity of wish list postings.  Put some thought and effort into it.  Don't take the easy way out with two words and a link.

In your case, it may have eventually worked somewhat as you did expand on things eventually.  Set a precedent for others to follow.  As I've mentioned before, otherwise it is only a list of "stuff".

Who ever said the purpose of the wishlist was to get all the other players to be passionate about any given wish?  What's wrong with people just throwing their ideas out there, and letting HTC accept or reject them on their own terms, and for their own reasons?  Why does anyone have to justify their wish to you anyway?

Aren't wishers passionate about their wishes or are posts I think of as "spam", a link to something with no explanation, merely that?

It's not about me.  Perhaps HTC will put as much effort into something as it is perceived that the wisher or community put into something.  Otherwise, perhaps they just reject things by rote because it is just a link.  That is why I ignore most posts regarding new vehicles or aircraft.  The poster wasn't bothered to take the time to start a meaningful discussion about it, why should anyone take the time to click on a link of stats?

Obviously what I'm suggesting is too much for the average poster to bother with.  It would be nice though.  Otherwise it's just a popularity contest.


Anyhow, I'm done with this thread.  It was stupid of me even to post it in the first place, and it served its purpose already, which was perhaps to make you think twice before just knee-jerk ragging on everyone's wishes that you don't happen to like personally.

I win!!    :aok

 :lol :rofl ;)

71 (Eagle) Squadron

"If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through."
- General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay