Author Topic: Content Editor Wishlist  (Read 227 times)

Offline Greebo

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Content Editor Wishlist
« on: April 13, 2009, 10:18:16 AM »
As we are getting a new terrain system in the next version, presumably HTC are updating the editors at the same time. So I thought now would be a good time to post a wishlist. The following wishes are mostly for the terrain editor as I have never really used the object editor.

I would like:

The rivers to work properly, so they can be used in an MA terrain. Currently the river deltas have glow in the dark sea and their are apparently issues with GVs passing under bridges. Also I'd like the water part of the river tiles to blend seamlessly together.

A built-in way of assigning tile types both by average altitude and min/max elevation difference.

A seperate bmp for the shore battery hill, so it can be matched to custom tiles.

The stand alone AA guns to work properly, currently they do not appear as destroyed even when they are.

A button which when active allows the editor to list only those objects currently allowable for an MA terrain.

Some extra MA-terrain-allowable village and town areas for GVs to play in. Nothing strategic, just some eye candy to break up the monotony of the terrain.

The weather editor bug which rewrites the first line of the weather file fixed.

A way to zoom in and alter the playback speed and direction on the weather editor map.

WRT to the skin viewer, I'd second Moot's request for better viewing and lighting options. It is a particular pain to view some areas inside the cockpit. It would be nice if the viewer could remember its window size and position on the screen from last time it was used as well.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 10:21:16 AM by Greebo »