I think you will find Tilldeath's answers to be the most spot on for this situation at this present times there is very little processor power or Video GPU power required by this game it is relatively primitive in it's use of the power available at this time, the game has not reached a point of development where it is even remotely capable of stressing either the "CPU" or "GPU" of any machine build within the last three years.
And you have no idea what you are talking about. Would you like to deal with the many people I deal with everyday who struggle to make the game play smoothly on thier computer? How are you qualified to know anything at all about how our game works? Did you help write it? Are you a friend of HiTech's? Scratch that one, as no friend of HiTech's would ever make such a statement.
People who come in here and pretend to know everything there is to know about our game, and never written one line of its code are not to be taken seriously. I say that for anyone reading the above response. This person has no idea what he/she is talking about. Modeling flight is a very CPU intensive operation. Anyone trying to dispute that is just clueless.
If anyone wants to know something, then ask the question. I can promise you will get a more reliable and accurate answer than someone who is slinging this type of tripe around.