Currently on leave of absence from my position as Executive Chef and chillaxing in Eastern Europe with family
Thinking about opening up my own place after we get back...
But before that, I worked my way through my 2nd time in school at a metal shop.. Hence my screen name..
And before my 2nd stint in school (cooking school), I worked in IT for National City Bank at their corporate ops location in Cleveland, Ohio.
(I became very disillusioned after several years of working in the corporate environment and just up and quit one day, never looking back..)
Before that, I was in school at Case Western Reserve for Information Technology and computer Science(graduated BA double major)
Before that, I worked in the back room of a little computer shop in Northern California (Arcata)
Jeeze! How far back do I need to go??
Married going on 6 years to my lovely wife. We have two kids (1 1/2 and 4).