Since when is a conditional price illegal?
My local store has a price club. I can buy 1 pack of cookies, or buy 2 and the second is free. But that does NOT mean the first one is half off. It's conditioned on the purchase of 2 packs.
Not a correct comparison. You are not limited to buying that brand of cookies only.
Rebates are not illegal, the conditions on them were.
Part of the press release states -
AMD offered one company one million (with an m) FREE CPU's. Obviously they get revenue back from builds etc. But the company were only able to accept 160,000 AMD CPU's or they would lose their rebate with Intel.
@Infidelz - I guess it will be OK then when Intel are fined by their own government (maybe 2010) for exactly the same practises?
a) Japan - Finds them guilty, no fine but a very clear "change you business practises" message to them.
b) Korea - Finds them guilty, fines them 26m dollars.
c) EU - Finds them guilty, fines them 1b euros.
d) US - ?????????????
e) Possibly Australia
Everyone else is wrong, Intel is right?