The bomb sight calibration is MA standard.
Hardness of ships and objects at bases are MA standard. I just changed the points award for each object to put more emphasis on ground pounding. Also not that the command staff of each squad got the objectives and in those objectives I delineated the ordinance needed for each attack objective in lbs and also the total worth of the base in points.
The credible force number for defending a base or attacking an objective is change from 15 pilots to 12 pilots needed to be counted as a credible force. I have made this revision in case both sides field say 220 pilots for frame 1 instead of the 250+ I am expecting or hoping for after a discussion with fellow CMs recently on this point. I guess it is better for me to err on the conservative side just in case and give the CiCs for both sides slightly more flexibility in deploying their forces.
Above 26K alt I am having the setup CM setup hurricane force winds. What does this mean to you? Don’t fly above 26K or you get to find out what being a pilot for a Hurricane hunter plane is like.
Also there will be weather fronts over Sardinia and Sicily. Cloudy but not socked in and once the game engine gets going the targets might be clear or partially obscured. I am having Dux create weather in the 16K – 18K range.