Ok, there is blasphemy going on in this thread, and things MUST be set RIGHT.
1) In-n-Out is king.
2) In-n-Outs in Texas sucks. I don't know why, but I'm guessing the employees and the quality of their food ingredients suck out there. In-n-Out was born in So-Cal, it is where it's supply and distribution network and employee training is the strognest.
3) Have you had animal style fries at In-n-Out?
Yeah it's not on the menu, and no you're not seeign things, the best stuff at In-n-Out is not on the menu... rookies. It's fries topped with cheese, grilled onions, and a glob of secret-sauce. 4) The best stuff at In-n-Out is not on the menu... rookies. Get a 4x4 w/ grilled onions and an animal style fries and thank me later.
5) Tommy' makes a decent chili cheese burger/hotdog/fries, but I've had better... still can't beat Tommy's though for those 4am chilli-cheese fry runs though.