Author Topic: Tunisia I bid you Farewell  (Read 770 times)

Offline oneway

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Tunisia I bid you Farewell
« on: June 04, 2009, 07:25:01 PM »
Noticed the Tunisia forums are gone...

I also noticed that the "Command" forums were never opened...despite the requests of some to open them...

I bid Tunisia farewell and am glad the command forums were never opened...In fact i was surprised and shocked that even the notion was being considered.

I would hope that in the future, command forums are never opened to the other side. Information between command and their group leaders should remain privileged and never be made public. The discourse and dialog would be less than authentic  and effective if we were to assume that our then private communication would become public.

Disclosing or declassifying command information should always remain with the CO/XO of a side...and not the board moderators.

I salute the decision to not release the command side forums...

On to Coral Sea


« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 07:26:43 PM by oneway »