I am for the PBY-5a, I don't really think it shoud be from ports only as that would somewhat restrict it's use. But I kinda see one main problem: it doesn't have a pourpouse. The PBY would probably be used mostly for anti cv duties and naval recon, not really a land based bomber. An H8K (Jap flying boat) could probably be used to attack bases most bombers cant reach, but don't qoute me, I don't have the range for all the bombers and fighters and crap like that in my head. If you want the PBY to have a place in the world then you would have to give bailed pilots a rubber raft, flair gun, and allow PBY and C47 pilots to land near the pilot, and pick him up. It would also creat a new career, it would probably be a high risk job, so you shoud give like 5 times the perk points a normal sortie would give.