I've been working on it for quite a long time. Back in Warbirds it was only a PDF manual (Actually several manuals). They were the companion text for a regular training class I led for several years over there.
When I came to Aces High I had just started on the web version and the Aces High Film Viewer really motivated me. It is a tremendous training tool.
In fact, when I do training sessions now with squad mates we get on voice comms (Teamspeak) and debrief films with each participate reviewing films and stopping at designated points in the film as we discuss various points. it isn't a perfect system but it is a great tool. It would be great if there was some sort of virtual black board folks could log into and the instructor could control what everyone sees and do some simple illustration as a film plays. That's a dream.
As for the content of the pages. I've collected the information over more than a decade and from many different sources. There have been many volunteers, some willing and some not. Very little of the information comes from my own head but there is some original stuff
The pages are aimed pretty specifically out my squadron and the way we like to fly but it is useful for any one.
I constantly revise it and update it. I have a planned 41 lessons but have only gotten 24 published on the page. The last 20 or so don't seem to be a priority because most folks don't stick with training long enough to get much past the basic follow on BFM.
I appreciate the kind words and that is all the motivation I need to crank out a lesson or two usually.
I am a big proponent of concentrating on fundamentals and learning in a building block fashion which is why the page is setup in a numerical progression with checkpoints.
I actually have 3 grading levels for each lesson but I only use that with the most dedicated students.
I'd recommend any new player to go through the lessons one by one until basic understanding and proficiency is gained then fly in the arena a few months and then go back through everything again, working to fine tune skills in each one.
As an example, in Lesson 1 Views a basic level is the 17 views and the ability to track a maneuvering bandit 50% of the time, and intermediate level is 80% tracking and advanced level is the ability to predict bandit motion and go to a view before the bandit get in it without losing track of the bandit.
Anyway, thanks for the endorsement and feel free to let me know if I need to correct something.