Author Topic: LAN play, again...  (Read 1266 times)

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: LAN play, again...
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2009, 03:19:51 PM »
I don't understand your seeing it that way when he said he was willing to pay a one time fee for LAN play.  By your argument, any boxed game that can be played over a LAN is free, which is absurd.
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Re: LAN play, again...
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2009, 04:05:18 PM »
Tempest1 has a point.
My logic was as follows:

1: Aces High used to have a free 8 player online & 8 player LAN.
2: Hackers brought down the 8 player online repeatedly causing HTC to remove it for security reasons.
3: Cheapskates tried to use VPNs to replicate the 8 player online through the remaining LAN capability.
4: HTC said they had problems with hackers in the free online area because the hackers weren't having to pay anything to get there.
5: HTC takes off the 8 player LAN feature.
6: I recommend that the LAN be brought back as a "unlockable" that uses your account to tell if you've paid for the feature. This way only a "paying" member would have access to a LAN version.
7: Wow. Some people think that $20 is free! (jk)

Offline Bronk

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Re: LAN play, again...
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2009, 05:03:01 PM »
Yea so you buy a $20 key  get lan play and tards will start vpn...again.

See Rule #4

Offline crazierthanu

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Re: LAN play, again...
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2009, 05:53:42 PM »
I would like to see 8 player where squads can come and practice or mess around without other people. This would be part of your monthly fee of course.
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Offline Tempest3

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Re: LAN play, again...
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2009, 07:18:09 PM »
I understand that there wouldn't be a way to keep people from VPN'ing it again, but at least this time HTC would still get something out of it...
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 08:52:11 PM by Tempest3 »

Online The Fugitive

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Re: LAN play, again...
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2009, 09:12:02 PM »
I understand that there wouldn't be a way to keep people from VPN'ing it again, but at least this time HTC would still get something out of it...

Face it, it's never coming back. They did mention that they were going to open the 8 player rooms again, but that they would be hosted by HTC, and for paying players only.

Offline Ghosth

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Re: LAN play, again...
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2009, 06:34:11 AM »
H2H is dead, and will never come back. Its simply too big a security hole for HTC.
Its gone, and its never coming back, EVER.

What will come back is user configurable arena's. They will be run on HTC's server, you'll go through HTC's password server to log in. That way they maintain control.

Hopefully they can be password protected. So if your planning a squad meeting only those with the password can get in.

There is no hard number on how many it will hold, but the general feel is quite a few more than H2H. Pretty sure you'd be able to have a 8 vs 8 duel, Possibly a 16 vs 16.

User would have all the controls he had in the old H2H. But, terrains would have to be approved by HTC in advance like the skins are now.

So the bare minimum required is going to be to have an active AH acct.
That way at least you have something to lose.

No one time fee's, no freeloaders, if you want to play sign up.