ROF V1.023 Just Released! Reminder of how to update:
- From the Game Launcher click on the "Update" button next to "Start".
- Click on the "Update" button on the next page.
- If it finds an update (left hand panel).
- Use the arrow button to move the update accross to the right hand panel.
- Finaly ckick on the "update" button to install.
- Note: If it comes up with a DirectX install make sure you run this even if you think you have the latest DirectX installed.
"Dear community!
We are pleased to present you with the new 1.023 update. This update contains numerous different features, many of which have been long-awaited by the community.
The first new feature is the ability of the player’s pilot to use a personal weapon like the Colt M1911 pistol. This weapon has a high-poly animated model when viewed from within the cockpit, and the external pilot model also features a pistol model. This pistol has its own unique shooting and reloading sound, and bullet ballistics and ammo are physically modeled for the weapon. The Colt M1911 is already available for you in the Store as part of the “Personal Package.” Moreover, every one of you now has a flare launcher, which was developed with the same technology as the pistol.
The second new feature is pilot scarves and plane streamers. The white scarf is available to be worn on the player’s pilot for all players, plus the white scarf is worn on the AI ace’s neck in single-player game modes. The blue streamer will now be attached to the flight leader’s plane, whether it is player-controlled or AI. When you purchase the “Personal Package” you will be able to choose other scarf and streamer colors, and the streamer will be available to you in any game mode.
The third important feature is a new linear campaign called “St. Mihiel.” Its author is SYN_Vander, who is well-known in our community. This campaign contains 36 unique missions which reveal several historical storylines, every one of which contains a unique intro scene. The campaign also features an award system, which will evaluate your skills while you play the campaign in the online game mode.
Moreover, this update is contains a number of important features and changes in physics, AI, graphics, and game objects content; these changes are meant to enhance the quality of your game play. Our team sincerely hopes that all these changes and features will be positively received and accepted by our game community."Features list of version 1.023GENERAL FEATURES:1. New campaign from SYN_Vander is now available as store content; it has 36 completely-historical missions which include animated intros for each one. This campaign follows a great battle of the Great War – the battle for St. Mihiel.
2. Community Historical Skins Pack vol.10 was approved.
3. Community Fictional Skins Pack vol.10 was approved.
4. Nieuport 11.C1 flight model correction was completed.
PILOT STUF FEATURES:5. Personal Colt M1911 pistol for the player’s pilot is now available as store content. If you purchase it, you will see a high-poly animated 3D model in the cockpit view and a 3D model in the external view. This pistol is fully functional, so you will be able to hit some enemies’ heads with it.
6. The flare launcher for the player’s pilot is now modeled as the real thing in the pilot's hand. It has its own ammo limit, a high-poly animated 3D model in the cockpit view, and a 3D model in the external view.
7. Flight leaders now have a blue identification streamer on their aircraft.
8. The player now is able to purchase a personal pack which will allow one to choose one of 5 streamer colors. Streamers can also be used in Dogfight missions.
9. AI Ace pilots now have white scarves on their necks.
10. Players are now able to choose a white scarf for their pilot.
11. The player is now able to purchase a personal pack which will allow one to choose one of 5 scarf colors.
AI FEATURES:12. Searchlights feature was added. Now searchlights will appear in nighttime career missions and in Quick Missions. They will scan for enemy planes, and when they have found a target, AAA, fighter pilots, and airplane gunners will see and engage the enemy.
13. "AI line of sight occlusion" feature was implemented for AAA, fighter pilots, and airplane gunners. The AI will now not engage enemies behind or in the clouds and at night. Enemy aircraft can now be spotted at night only if they are highlighted by a searchlight, if they have fired their own machine guns, or if they have turned on their navigation lights.
14. AI return to base (RTB) decision feature was implemented in Career mode. Now, if an AI plane is seriously damaged or is running low on fuel, it will abandon its mission and attempt to land at a friendly airfield.
OTHER FEATURES:15. RUS, GER, FRA, SPA localizations added for Options and Career controls.
16. Verdun map riverbanks were improved by forests.
17. Campaign dialog was improved.
18. Oil on goggles effect was improved, now it's much more liquid-like when post-effects are enabled.
19. Relocation (Transfer) Mission feature was added to Career. Now, when the squadron’s airfield is changing and the new airfield is not too far away, the squadron will perform a relocation operation with several relocation missions which involve the squadron’s pilots flying to the new field in their planes.
Change list of version 1.023GUI CHANGES:1. Quick Mission plane selection dialog now is shown correctly on low resolutions (it is no longer truncated).
2. Feature for limitation of number of errors shown was restored (no more need to click repeatedly on error message #2 when master server connection is lost on the main screen).
3. Current time was restored in chat dialog.
4. Traffic limit option sliders in GUI now are corresponding to Settings.exe.
CAREER CHANGES:5. Waypoints to the side of the flight route in Offensive Patrol missions were fixed in Career.
6. Damage-to-Repair relation was fixed, now the latest planes (from Sopwith Pup and more recent) should go to the repair shop correctly after non-critical damage in Career.
7. No.21 and No.34 squadron icons were added.
OTHER CHANGES:8. Bristol’s FM bug (engine overrev) was fixed.
9. Force Feedback fix - now when it's turned off, the driver setting for the default spring is used.
10. Alt-TAB issue with Force Feedback was fixed.
11. SPAD 7 far level-of-detail reflections on vertical fin surface were corrected.
12. Issue of pilot-head-view roll reset after TrackIR was paused was fixed.
13. Tracer size when seen from far distances was reduced.
14. The muzzle velocity vector is now correctly aligned with the barrel for turret machine guns.
15. Recent SNAP-views customization reset after having tuned camera options while in a mission was fixed.
16. Assistance calculation was fixed for Sopwith Pup and more recent planes.
17. Issue which caused the cockpit to disappear in Flight Record Playback - if during recording the user zoomed in and shifted the pilot's head all the way forward to the windshield - was fixed.
Notes of 1.0231. With the DEFAULT input pattern: to pick up the Colt M1911 pistol use LCtrl+5; for red, green, yellow and white flares - LCtrl+1, LCtrl+2, LCtrl+3 and LCtrl+4, respectively. To hide the pistol or flare gun, use LCtrl+Tilde (~). To fire a shot with either gun, use your Left Mouse Button (LMB) or LCtrl+Space. If you are using an input pattern which was customized before 1.023, go to the Controls section of the Options page and assign these new weapon controls.
2. To use searchlights in your custom missions (including multiplayer), set quad_p or benz_p in your mission, add entity and assign the behavior by using CMD_ForceComplete. Low Priority (offensive) - random search anytime at night and lock on incoming planes. Med Priority (defensive) - standby for sound contacts and lock on when engine sound is noticed. High Priority (passive) - idle behavior.
3. Ignore the temperature indication on the simple gauges of the Nieuport 17.C1 and Nieuport 11.C1. Their engines have a redesigned temperature balance, and so their simple gauge indication will correspond with it correctly only in 1.024.
4. Career newspaper, squadron histories, and pilot’s biographies are still only in English. The French community (special thanks to Ogami Musashi) is working now on FRA newspaper localization.