Author Topic: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance  (Read 3195 times)

Offline Motherland

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #75 on: June 28, 2009, 08:08:55 PM »
I think that the biggest block in the road for most people at this point is that they are using onboard video or an out dated card, and maybe not enough ram.
I have this card which handles the beta version very well, and RAM is ridiculously cheap anymore (I bought a gig a year ago for like $60 I think). Most could probably bring their marginal rigs up to speed and really be able to enjoy the update for under $100.

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #76 on: June 28, 2009, 08:16:50 PM »
 I dont see the issue. I seriously doubt any gamer is playing just this.They play COD,FO3 BF2 and they ALL are graphic intense. Get a grip.If you have to update the graphics card its not going to break you and your not going to play an OLMM game with the same rig forever.Sooner or later your going to have to keep up with the middle of the pack or get left behind. Ht has done a fantastic job keeping the req's for AH as low as possible. That at some point has to raise on the tech end. Were not playing pong here.
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Offline Agent360

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #77 on: June 28, 2009, 09:48:04 PM »
Oblivion shattered all prior sales records (1.7 million sold in its 1st year, a feat that was only beat by it's follow up release Fallout 3) and as of 2007 has sold over 3,000,000 copies.

Define "small market" and "never made it" for me please.

Oblivion was (is) one of the most sucessfull games ever made, high spec. included.

So much for your "theory".


Can you guys quit with the Oblivion thing. I just used it as an example in MY CASE. My daughter had a low end computer and it wouldnt run.

My comment about it was when IT FIRST came out. At that time it wasnt the most succesful game. And it did have problems. Please review all of my posts to get the WHOLE point.

Please carry on with the relavent point about AH2

ps. seem latly you guys just want to dog pile me for voicing my points.

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #78 on: June 28, 2009, 10:40:22 PM »
Can you guys quit with the Oblivion thing. I just used it as an example in MY CASE. My daughter had a low end computer and it wouldnt run.

My comment about it was when IT FIRST came out. At that time it wasnt the most succesful game. And it did have problems.
Oblivion records record sales, 1.7 million and climbing

by James Ransom-Wiley { Apr 10th 2006 at 3:25PM }

According to NPD sales figures, Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has become the fastest selling Xbox 360 title to date, in North America. In addition, the PC version accounted for 13% of all Windows games sold during Oblivion's first week of release — more than four times the percentage of the next best selling game. Currently, the standard and collectors editions rank #1 and #2, respectively, on the PC sales chart. Bethesda reports that more than 1.7 million combined units have shipped.

And to beat this horse anymore, Oblivion for at least the next two years was used in almost every computer benchmark (for CPU or video card etc) as one of the toughest tests for a product because of its high requirements for performance.  Using AH2 beta and Oblivion for your analogy was a poor choice as other have stated.  You'll need to find different cannon fodder to make your point.
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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #79 on: June 28, 2009, 10:46:12 PM »
ps. seem latly you guys just want to dog pile me for voicing my points.

No offense was intended from my end Agent. I wasn't trying to "dog pile". Just a bit confused as to where you are coming from. It seems a lot of posts have been from the point of view that the beta was a finished product, and I understand the anger some are feeling with the idea they may be "left behind". The most unfortunate part about a situation like this is most laptops and even a lot of desktops sold still have completely inadequate hardware to handle anything more complicated than a 4+ year old 3d engine, and sometimes that frustration gets directed at the creators of the engine, as opposed to the computer manufacturers for not even attempting to put any decent 3d card in thier systems out of the box.

Aces High has always had "low" system requirements compared to games coming out around the same time. In fact, I'd be willing to bet the current AH2 (not beta) can run on some pieces of hardware that would choke on World of Warcraft, which, IMO is one of the most hardware requirement friendly programs out there. The beta itself does not compare (when running properly, and again, IMO) with the minimum spec requirements of most PC games coming out right now such as Dawn of War II, Far Cry 2, Dragon Age, and so forth.

It IS beta, and hopefully things will be improved by release time. As far as I can tell from following and playing this game on and off since the original launch beta, HT, Scuzzy, Pyro and the others DO care about the game, even if they make decisions that don't always make sense at face value.

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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #80 on: June 28, 2009, 10:47:27 PM »
Many of you can upgrade parts for $100-200.  Some of you can build a new machine canabalizing parts from your old machine for $300-500.  You can build an all new computer that will run this game for as little as $600-700 or you can build a really nice computer that will play this game for years to come for $1000-1500. 

So, find the option that fit's your budget and get to work.

This is so much cheaper than my other hobby; offroading:  Vehicle, Suspension lift kit with new springs, control arms, bushings and brake lines, extended rear shackles, quick release sway bars, ARB air locking front and rear differentials with on-board compressor and interior switches, lower differential gears, re-geared speedometer, big mud tires, brush guard, nerf bars, rear tire & gas can carrier, skid plates, 8000' winch with front and rear receptor mounts,  off-road front and rear lighting with interior switching, CB radio, bigger radiator, bigger battery, bigger brakes... you get the idea.  And that doesn't count travel expenses, registration fees, and a complete compliment of back-up parts and accessories for the inevitable trail break-down.
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Offline bozon

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #81 on: June 29, 2009, 03:11:47 AM »
Many of you can upgrade parts for $100-200.  Some of you can build a new machine canabalizing parts from your old machine for $300-500.  You can build an all new computer that will run this game for as little as $600-700 or you can build a really nice computer that will play this game for years to come for $1000-1500. 

So, find the option that fit's your budget and get to work.
You are basically asking people to buy AH for anywhere between $100 and $1500. Their other games would benefit as well, true, but usually computers are way over specced for 90% of what you do on them (I am not including 14 years old addicted gamers in this statement). I am now out of the game because I cannot get an acceptable frame rates with my current two laptops. I will not buy a 3rd computer just to play AH, as much as I love this game. Instead I have to wait it out till it is a good opportunity to get a new computer and not just for AH (required specs will continue to rise in the mean time).

This is not a reason to prevent upgrades from the game - it must advance to survive and I want it to be top notch when I finally get a computer that can run it. But please, cut the "it is only $<3-4 digit number> to upgrade!" crap. HTC know that they have to make this a gradual progress or loose a large fraction of the customers if they make a sudden large jump.
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #82 on: June 29, 2009, 04:05:46 AM »
You are basically asking people to buy AH for anywhere between $100 and $1500. Their other games would benefit as well, true, but usually computers are way over specced for 90% of what you do on them (I am not including 14 years old addicted gamers in this statement). I am now out of the game because I cannot get an acceptable frame rates with my current two laptops. I will not buy a 3rd computer just to play AH, as much as I love this game. Instead I have to wait it out till it is a good opportunity to get a new computer and not just for AH (required specs will continue to rise in the mean time).

This is not a reason to prevent upgrades from the game - it must advance to survive and I want it to be top notch when I finally get a computer that can run it. But please, cut the "it is only $<3-4 digit number> to upgrade!" crap. HTC know that they have to make this a gradual progress or loose a large fraction of the customers if they make a sudden large jump.

I bought my first computer in summer of 1996.  It was an IBM with a 150 Mhz PII CPU, 16 Mb of RAM, 2 Mb on-board video RAM and a 4 Gb HD running Windows 95.  Between that, a monitor, printer, speakers, keyboad, mouse and scanner I paid about $2000.  I played AW and AWII on it.  I upgraded it to 32 Mb of RAM and 4 Mb of on-board video RAM along the way (yes, I was able to add a second 2 Mb VRAM chip to the motherboard).  No more upgrades could be done.  Should that system still be able to run the new version of AH?

In 1999 with my first system already hopelessly outdated I bought a Dell with a 600 Mhz PIII, 128 Mb of RAM, a dedicated 16 Mb video card and a 13 Gb HD running Windows 98.  Again, including everything for a complete new system, I paid about $2000 and I played AWIII on that machine.  When I moved to AHI I upgraded to 512 Mb RAM, a 64 Mb video card and two 120 Gb HD's.  I played AH on that until March of 2008.  Since then I've upgraded that machine to a 1.2 Ghz CPU, 768 Mb RAM and 440 Gb of drive space with a Win98/Win XP dual boot and it's still in use although not for gaming (although it will still run AH at 14-30 FPS along with most of my other games).  Would most of you think that this machine should be able to run AH?

In March of 2008 I built a new machine with a 2.66 Core2Duo which I overclocked to 3.2 Ghz, 4 Gb of RAM, a 512 Mb video card and 1.5 Tb of drive space running Windows XP.  Again I bought a new monitor, speakers, keyboard, mouse, etc. and paid about $2000, a quarter of that on things other than the box itself.  This machine runs AH pegged to my monitor's refresh rate (60 FPS) with everything maxed out.  If I were to do it again I don't think I'd have spent as much... probably more like $750-1000 for just the box.

Technology marches on.  I don't make the rules.  If I could still get by on that machine I bought in 1996 I'd be several thousand dollars richer and believe me I wish I was but that's just not reality.  Period.

My total investment in computer technology is $38/mo. over 13 years and will continue to decrease as I get more use out of my new machine.  It was $27/mo. until I built my new machine.  Fortunately, technology advancement relative to computers has leveled off somewhat and obsolesence is less prevelant than it once was.  The other fortunate thing is that I use my machines for more than just playing this and other games.  I watch movies, listen to music, surf the net for news and information, use e-mail, type correspondence, build spreadsheets and a multitude of other things so the amout of my investment allocable to this or any other game is minimal.  I see it as an investment in connectivity to the world, personal productivity and entertainment and IMO it's well worth it.

BTW, I also have a laptop that I'm typing this on right now.

I guess if you want to keep driving a Yugo, a Ford Pinto or an AMC Gremlin then more power to you.  Most people have upgraded.  It's a good analogy as vehicle technology also continues to advance.  I started driving in a 1964 Chevy Belaire.  I could hardly imagine that being my daily driver today (although I wish I still had it).
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 04:07:31 AM by BaldEagl »
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #83 on: June 29, 2009, 07:44:40 AM »
HTC know that they have to make this a gradual progress or loose a large fraction of the customers if they make a sudden large jump.

That is why they take so much time to test the newest offering. They will lose some but they will gain many.

I know quit a few play this game on a laptop. I always wondered why though. If you can play a decent game on your lappy you should feel blessed.
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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #84 on: June 29, 2009, 08:04:12 AM »
The title made me lol.

Great graphics and older computers shouldn't be used in the same sentence.

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #85 on: June 29, 2009, 08:21:55 AM »
The title made me lol.

Great graphics and older computers shouldn't be used in the same sentence.

Yup... I'm upset because the new beta wont run on my Compaq Suitcase.  :cry

80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline 20mmrain

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #86 on: June 29, 2009, 09:14:51 AM »
Hi Tech is a place of Business. What do places like this need to do......????? They need to make money!  To keep new customers coming to there business and to keep some old customers too.... They need to upgrade.
Not only that but If your playing the game on and APPLE 2GS or something (LOL) then you shouldn't be trying to game with your PC anyway!
I think Hi tech has done a great job trying to keep the masses playing. But TECH changes and if people can't deal with that then they shouldn't be PC gaming! Now you don't have to be a Upgrade Nerd like I am "always having the top of the line everything and upgrading every month. " But if want to game on a PC like I said you do need to keep your PC somewhat up to date. That's just a fact of PC gaming life. If you can't deal with that BUY an XBOX or PS3! 

There are some upgrades you can do for little money or no money....
1. Don't download the High RES. pack.  If your PC can't handle it don't do it.
2. Turn down the settings on your Video card if its older.
3. Make sure AA settings aren't on in the game.
4. If your Video card is old but it has good cooling Over clock it just a little. A few FPS sometimes makes the Difference.
5. Upgrade your Mother board most higher end On Board Video Cards would let you play ACES HIGH on high settings anyway.
6. Upgrade your CPU to the Highest Chip it will allow. If your CPU socket is a older 775 socket you could get a Intel P4 for dirt cheap now. Also check how much RAM your using and upgrade that if necessary. The reason I put these to together is because Flight SIMS are so CPU and RAM based that this could go along way to getting better game performance.

There you go.... Of course that's not all you can do but those are somethings to think about............ But really guys Come on It's not like ACES HIGH is going from low tech (everyone can play) to CRYSIS graphic specs! This is not that hard.
But on a side note Like I said ........ I think Hi Tech has done a stellar Job trying to keep this game to the masses and they still are doing a good job! Thank you Hi tech keep up the good work.
And to the rest of the people complaining come on you gotta change things once and awhile,....... you can't expect the world to revolve around you, and then wait for you to upgrade first and then we have to ask you for permission to upgrade too! COME ON!
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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #87 on: June 29, 2009, 09:15:21 AM »
A working-class hero is something to be.

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Offline 20mmrain

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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #88 on: June 29, 2009, 09:38:04 AM »
On one more Side note.... I just looked on Newegg there are a couple of video cards available for cheap that will keep you playing this game for years on high settings

Cheap $60 to $100 range....
Nividia 9600GT 60 to 70 bucks PCI express 2.0
Nividia 8800gt 70 bucks or lower PCI express 2.0
ATI 3850 PCI express 2.0 60 to 70 bucks
ATI 3850 or 3870 AGP around 100 bucks
ATI 4770 PCI express 2.0 (small card new 40NM tech) 100bucks
ATI 4830 PCI express 2.0 70 to 100 bucks
ATI 4600 series AGP or PCI express 2.0 60 to 100 bucks

Middle range:
ATI 4850 PCI express 2.0 130 to 170 bucks
Nividia 9800 GT 80 to 130 bucks PCIE 2.0
Nividia 260 GTX 130 to 160 bucks PCIE 2.0
ATI 4870 PCIE 2.0 150 to 180 bucks
And even some low end ATI 4890, from 190 bucks

Now I didn't leave links so you could find them but my point is do the costs in your head....... To be able to play your favorite game for at least a couple of years with out any problems, wouldn't it be worth it? Especially the lower end cards you most likely won't need to upgrade anything else to use them. They usually run with lower power supplies. And if you still want to go cheaper still you still get some pretty good performance out of a Nividia 9400 gt or a ATI x1650 might not be the absolute highest settings then but still nicer then what you have probably now! Would get you better FPS too.
Look around everything is getting cheaper because of the economy and the fact that ATI and Nividia Are both coming out with new Video card series very soon with in a month.

My Specs:
Intel Q9550 @ 3.2 12MB Core 2 quad cache
Gigabyte EP45-U3DL
8 GIG G.Skill RAM 1066MHz
OCZ 700WATT PSU Modular
H.I.S. ATI HD 4850 @690/1150
Western Digital Black 500GB 7200RPM 32MB Cache
Zalman CNPS5000a CPU Heatsink & Fan
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Re: Great Graphics,older computers..tough balance
« Reply #89 on: June 29, 2009, 09:55:18 AM »
Anybody got a spare Dual Core (core 2 duo, etc) laying about?

My mobo is socket 775 and can support up to quad core chips (Intel) but $ is an issue.

Currently running 3.2ghz p4.
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