Author Topic: I love my 190 a5!  (Read 4304 times)

Offline F4UDOA

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #45 on: June 22, 2000, 10:57:00 AM »

Did you read the report on the trial between F4U-1D and Fw190-A5. Accelleration was equal there. If they did not use the WEP on the A5 then you are right. I would be happy if the F4U-1D could accellerate as well as the A5 with out WEP. The only FM problems with the FW-190 that I have encountered first hand is the E retention is insane. Even in climbing it looses no E what so ever. I have film of it as well. Also top speed at sea level seems to be off. In extended tail chases I have been completely unable to make up ground on fleeing 190A5 even when I am diving from an alt advantage. Top speed WEP on the AH charts show that the F4U should be 20MPH faster on the deck both A/C using WEP.
From D1.5 how long should it take to catch up? Is D1.5 1500Ft or 1500yards? Feet I think. At 20mph it should take under a minute to catch and pass the FW190 and much less time to get into firing position. The other problem I have is that there are so many. It is defintly the plane of choice of the new A/C. The Yak has a great FM but is not appearing in anywhere near the numbers of the new butcherbird. Oh yeah, I have never flown warbirds and I had no idea what a warp roll was until yesterday. What's up with that?? Micro warping all over the place. Is this a characteristic of WB that carried over into AH?? That is brutal. It seems that AH has taken a big step backwards in the release of 1.03. It certainly is not as competitive or fun in the last couple days.


Offline wells

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #46 on: June 22, 2000, 11:01:00 AM »

Pyro has stated that all speeds in AH are 'calibrated airspeed'.  Every plane manual has a chart for instrument error.  

Offline Zigrat

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #47 on: June 22, 2000, 11:08:00 AM »

I am willing to do a drag race with a F4u in a 190, we will see who wins. Would be interesting.

From what I have seen, the f4u CAN outrun the 190 on the deck , but only if it has wep. If you are out of wep in the f4u, you aren't catching a 190. Wep is the critical factor here.

Also d1.5 means yards, not feet.

and i did read the test report  

Offline Hangtime

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #48 on: June 22, 2000, 11:53:00 AM »

Hold on now... lets not all chase each outer around with baseball bats.

We need some objective tests of the 190a5 as currently modeled in the sim. In particular, top speed on the deck; at 10k and at 20 k. No wind. :0

Next; we need some tests on sustaind and initail turn performance... in short; the kind of magnifying glass examination of the 190a5's flight model that was applied to the pony at the end of beta.

It would seem to me that the current FM of the A5 is a mite optimistic in almost all catagories... of course; I could well be wrong. If so; it would not be the first time; however, fair is fair... and the facts are facts. Lets see the data.. both RL and AH.


The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.


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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #49 on: June 22, 2000, 12:08:00 PM »
Originally posted by Dingy:
Dunno about others but Im not screaming about inordinate performance numbers for the A5...

The point Im trying to make is that its a forgiving enough aircraft that a majority of pilots are flying them.  There isnt the same plane variety in the skies as there was in the past.


I never accused you of saying the plane was incorrectly modelled in relation to it's allied counter parts, what I AM saying is that those people who come here and post about data, then people like lazs who pull words from this data are yapping about how the F4U should be able to do this against the 190, or the P51 should be able to do this against the 190, or the 190 has "phantom E rentention"(as my good buddy Citabria put it heheh), all the while these comments are based off of data done by a series of flight testing, NOT in combat situations like the MA. So, what I'm getting at is, people who are mouthing off about how the 190 should perform relative to those planes it has tests against, why don't you go out and do some tests on your own with someone unbiased to the matter? I haven't seen one post response about how the 190 in AH performs against the F4U or the P51 other than "Well last night in the arena a 190 pulled away from me on the deck.. impossible! Blasphemy!". It's really a moot point until a reply comes back "well, me and another pilot went into H2H or the SEA or TA and performed some flight tests. The 190 is in fact overmodelled because it pulls away from the F4U at low altitudes using just normal power(no WEP/BOOST). The 190 then proceeded to roll faster than the F4U. We started with the 190 behind the F4U and began lazy turns, tightening each revolution. In the end we found the 190 does in fact turn inside the F4U at low speeds, with no flaps, which it shouldn't. Therefore I believe something is amiss." THAT is grounds for examining the 190s flight model. It's intelligent, logical, contains factual information and is done in the same manner the RL flight test reports were done with.

That's just my opinion, but I'm sure someone will insist that's not the way to do things and if I get shot down by one, then it's overmodelled. Just like those spitfires and zeros that turn so quickly. Those are overmodelled too. Why? Because they kill me all the time in the arena and I said so. I'm right, you're wrong, quick change the flight performance for this plane so it behaves like a C130 and I can easily kill it! (tongue in cheek since second paragraph began)

As far as the arena not being as diverse.. excuse me but I remember when the cannon hog came out. I couldn't fly to another airbase without seeing atleast 10 of them. Now where are they? Very few people I see flying them, and almost none with great success(except Torque). As for me, I like this 190A5, but I'm not biased towards it or the F4U or the P51 or the 109 or the etc..... If it's incorrect, fix the damn thing. But if it's not, don't neuter it just because someone claims it to be inaccurate(still have yet to see proof in flight testing data from AH that this new 190 is somehow a super duper uber plane). I like the zero, that thing can turn on a dime. Survivability is fairly low with BnZ aircraft everywhere(except Mitsu has flown it with great success.....). My point is, unless you have data from BOTH fields (AH and RL) then you mine as well stick your head up your... because that's where it's been the whole time. :-)
ps: almost none of this is directed at you Dingy, except for that part about the arena not being all that diverse.

Offline Swager

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #50 on: June 22, 2000, 12:15:00 PM »
Oh No!  Look out!  I've read this post!  I'm gona... I'm  gona....... Bbbbbbbwwwwwwaaaaa!

Ah man!!  I just puked all over the keyboard!

These posts are the reason!

Everytime AH comes out with a new plane, this forum see a load of crap on how it is a dweeb plane, overmodeled, too many people fly it, undermodeled, it shot me down,  Blah! Blah!

Lighten up Francis!    

Everyone knows these planes will blend back into a normal routine of being selected for flying. Pure and Simple!

Then ya have the plane statistics!  This is fun to see argued about.  

Climb rates, turn radius, wing loading, stall speed with 78.6576 gallons of fuel aboard at 5/8 flaps, top speed a sea level, cruise speed at 25000 feet.

Damn!  Just fly and enjoy the game!!  Oops!  I mean Computer Generated On-Line WW II Realistic Flight Simulation.    

XO   I/JG2~Richthofen~[/i]

"Damn.....I can't believe I missed that shot!!!"
JG2 "Richthofen"

[This message has been edited by Swager (edited 06-22-2000).]
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline ygsmilo

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2000, 12:25:00 PM »
Swagger = The voice of reason in an unreasonable world.

Just because he is my flight leader has no bearing on my comment

JG 2's current cannon magnet.


JG 2

Offline Apache

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #52 on: June 22, 2000, 12:31:00 PM »
Right on Seawulfe! Here is an example. Lastnight, I was jumped by 2 f4U's. I was in the 190a5 and we were on the deck and I mean on the deck. Those 2 guys chased me a long way, pinging me left & right. I wasn't pulling away yet they weren't getting any closer. 1 of em hit the turf & shattered. The 2nd followed & pinged me a while longer, then turns away & heads for home NOE. When he is about 1.2 away, I turn on him. Takes me a long time, but I finally catch him & end his day.

One could argue that the 190a5 was faster than the f4u 'cause they couldn't catch me and I caught 1 of them running home. But what about the missing information? First, I would assume that the 2 f4u's didn't catch me was... they weren't trying to! They were right where they wanted to be, shooting at me. Secondly, I was chasing the running f4u using wep. Was the f4U? I have no idea, but I would bet he wasn't. He didn't seem to know I was there until it was too late.

I am not arguing that the 190a5 is or is not uber, I have no idea. I just like flying the darn thing. Let's just wait for the guys who are into the testing and all that, see the numbers, then yell  

The Blue Knights

Offline Apache

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #53 on: June 22, 2000, 12:31:00 PM »
Hmmm, my first double post.

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[This message has been edited by Apache (edited 06-22-2000).]

Offline Udie

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #54 on: June 22, 2000, 12:51:00 PM »
 I wish you guys would tell me how to turn the a5 tighter than an f4u or a p51!  I haven't been able to do that yet,  not in a sustained turn anyway.  Heck I can hardly outrun spit's in the damned plane.


 I wonder if people are confusing out manuvering with out turning.  I can't out turn many if any of the planes in the arena w/ the 190.  But I CAN out manuver all of them, depending upon pilot quality of course.  If If see somebody flat turning, and I do a yo-yo and beat their turn because I cut the angle,  would I then be flying an uber 190 because I out turned them?  I think not!  It doesn't take that much of vertical to cut an angle, so to the victom it could look like I flat turned.

 Just an idea....



Offline juzz

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2000, 12:56:00 PM »
Hangtime: Look here(pg75/76). The Fw 190A-5 in AH performs virtually the same in speed and climb.

Only problem is that it matches those figures with four cannon, but the tested plane only had two.

Offline Vermillion

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #56 on: June 22, 2000, 01:21:00 PM »
Juzz, I definitely think you should post that to the bugs forum to make sure it gets seen, and acted on appropriately.

If you don't it might get missed just due to the sheer volume of posts in this thread

**MOL**, Men of Leisure
"Real Men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires"

Offline pzvg

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #57 on: June 22, 2000, 01:24:00 PM »
Hangtime, kindly show me an A5 outturning a 51 in a flat turn, Cuz that was me (WERT) you were turning with last night, and I damned sure didn't outturn ya   (but I did have ya hauling on the stick, yelling "GAWD HE'S STILL BACK THERE")  

pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"

Offline Soup Nazi

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #58 on: June 22, 2000, 01:26:00 PM »
Originally posted by ygsmilo:

JG 2's current cannon magnet.

ROTFLOL !!!!!!!!


Soup Nazi
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[This message has been edited by Soup Nazi (edited 06-22-2000).]

Offline mx22

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I love my 190 a5!
« Reply #59 on: June 22, 2000, 01:29:00 PM »
OK since the topic of FW190A5's deck speed was brought up here.
Yesterday I tried catch one on the deck and I found I can close on him only if he did some monuevering and even then he would start slowly pulling away from me in flat turn. I think it was berseker or someone with a similar name and fight happened near 13.
To everyone who will jump on me saying that his E was higher then mine, I was higher then him and that enabled me to close to 300-400d from him. Then we run flat towards 13 and he started to very slowly pull away. I got him, but from a much longer distance that I would comfortable to shoot from. Btw, my fuel load at this point was so low that after the fight I had less then 5 min of fuel.
Now, look at charts by HTC - Yak9U speed on the deck is around 355, while Fw190a5 with WEP on goes to around 340. No way that guy should have kept running at same distance from me all the time.
