Author Topic: For Anyone Who Has the Patience at Skinning  (Read 1274 times)

Offline thndregg

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For Anyone Who Has the Patience at Skinning
« on: October 03, 2009, 06:12:40 PM »
I've been trying to find as many detailed photos as I can of a couple 91st Bomb Group B17G's, namely "Shoo Shoo Shoo Baby", which I believe to be at the AF Museum in Dayton, and "Little Patches". I frequently visit (memorial website for the 91st), and have gotten a couple e-mails back from folks that either served or are associated with the group in some way.

In no way do I have the patience to work on skinning a B17, but I continue to search for possibilities to expand on the exsisting set of 91st skins we currently have in the game. So far the affore-mentioned ships might be do-able. I'm still looking for better pictures.
"Little Patches"

"Shoo Shoo Shoo Baby"

Quoting an e-mail I got a short while ago from a veteran: "Hi Phillip.
     Here is our second and last try.  "G" model "Little Patches flew 112 missions in the 91st Bomb Group and survived the war.  She was flown by many crews.  I flew one mission to Sterkrade in "Little Patches, on 22 January 1945.  We had our hydraulic system and our bomb bay doors motor shot out and had to hand crank the doors shut and land with no brakes.  We added many little patches to "Little Patches" that day.
     When nose art painter , Tony Starcer, painted the nose art there was a flak hole patch right where she sat, so this is how she got her name, Little Patches.
     Click here: B17G 42-31678 LITTLE PATCHES 91st Bomb Group for a web page devoted to Little Patches.  Note in the Mission Log that my mission on 22 January 1945 appears.
Mike Banta, 91sr Ringmaster

As I said earlier, if there is anyone more knowledgable about where to look for good sources, and has the patience and time to skin these, I think they would be a good addition to the AH compliment of B17's.

Former C.O. 91st Bombardment Group (Heavy)
"The Ragged Irregulars"