Allison V-1710
The V-1710-B, built for the U.S. Navy to power rigid airships, was designed to reverse from full power in one direction to full power the opposite direction in less than 8 seconds, while driving remotely mounted propellers housed on outriggers equipped with swiveling prop heads, which allowed thrust to be directed vertically or horizontally as required. The engine power would be transmitted by 16 foot long driveshafts to a remote transmission and gearbox in the swiveling prop heads.
The Allison V-1710-C was the AAF version that after much development eventually powered the XP-37, YP-37, XFM-1, YFM-1, P-39, P-40, P-38, P-51 and P-82 as well as several others include the XB-38, which was a B-17 powered by V-1710 engines that looked as if they where taken straight from a P-38J.
The XB-38 was the work of Lockheed-Vega, which explains the P-38-like engine installation.
My regards,
[This message has been edited by Widewing (edited 03-07-2001).]
[This message has been edited by Widewing (edited 03-07-2001).]