Author Topic: Something about the p51 I've never understood  (Read 9819 times)

Offline Steve

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Re: Something about the p51 I've never understood
« Reply #90 on: July 26, 2009, 12:09:28 PM »
keep it fast, use its superior E-bleed characteristics to maintain a speed advantage or keep it near its corner speed, where it is very effective.

Yes, but be prepared to be called a runstang pilot. When you do decide to get slow and you beat them, be prepared to be called lucky.. or  a cheater.    :aok
Member: Hot Soup Mafia - Cream of Myshroom
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: Something about the p51 I've never understood
« Reply #91 on: July 26, 2009, 12:21:26 PM »

USAAF fighters were engineered for best performance at medium to high altitudes. Most of the action in the MAs occurs at low altitude, under 10k and mostly below 5k.

Down there, the best fighters are those engineered for that realm. For example, below 10k, the P-39Q will slice and dice the Lightnings, Jugs and Mustangs. At 12k, it's as fast as the P-38J and P-47D. The P-39Q out-turns all of these with ease.

Gentlemen, it is what it is. Adapt to it. Adjust your tactics to suit the aircraft. P-51s can not longer stall-fight 109s. So, don't attempt it. Keep it fast, use its superior E-bleed characteristics to maintain a speed advantage or keep it near its corner speed, where it is very effective.

My regards,


This is the part I think most folks don't take into consideration.  The AH MA airwar is flown at lower alts then the actual WW2 airwar most of us read about.  Planes perform differently at different altitudes.  The Spit LFXVIe was purpose built for lower alt work as it was going to be supporting the guys on the ground.  The 39 as Widewing mentioned, was much better at lower alts were the lack of supercharger was not a factor.  The list goes on and on.  What the 51 did up high, vs what it does down low is going to be different.  That being said, I've seen some guys move that cartoon 51 of ours very well down low and even low and slow.

8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Badboy

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Re: Something about the p51 I've never understood
« Reply #92 on: July 26, 2009, 02:00:50 PM »

I would like to point out that the P-51D in Aces High is often judged in conditions that rarely if ever existed in real life.

Given a lead and wingman well versed in wing tactics, the P-51D flown to its strengths is a formidable fighter. Such a team in the MA's can consistently fly sorties where each pilot can pick up 6 or 7 kills with one ammo load, and RTB dragging multiple enemies in a "rolling defense" and still land safely.

There are many players who can take a single inferior aircraft into a furball and still land multiple kills.

But if I wanted to do that consistently, the P-51D and a good wingman (in my opinion) is the best choice.

The strengths of the P-51D, it's high speed performance, combined with well trained pilots using co-ordinated wing tactics is what made it great. If you separate the individual elements you lose the synergy that made it all work.

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