Author Topic: Arado Takeoff/Landing  (Read 469 times)


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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« on: March 08, 2001, 07:14:00 PM »
I spent some time flying this baby and here are some tips for takeoff/landing.

- Fire up the engines.
- Hold the brakes.
- Full throttle.
- Once the engines spool up, release the brakes and fire the RATO bottles.
- Rotate at the last taxiway before the refuel pad.
- Suck the gear up as soon as you clear the runway.
- You should be able to maintain 175 IAS initially.  Once the bottles burn out, gradually let the stick go forward (keeping positive climb rate) until you reach about 240 IAS, which is approximately the best climb speed for this aircraft.  It will take a while to reach this speed, so be patient!

- Diving into the pattern from your return flight, be sure to idle the engines when diving.  If you go above 425 IAS, bad things start to happen.  This is a very low drag, heavy plane, and it will pick up speed in a hurry in a dive.
- Give yourself lots of room to slow down.  For me this means a very long downwind leg (going away from the runway with the runway on your left).  Fly this leg somewhere between 2000 and 5000 feet.
- Maintain level flight, with the engines at idle.
- Once the aircraft reaches 200 IAS, you can lower flaps one notch.
- The plane will slow rapidly, and at 175 IAS you can extend the gear and extend the flaps fully.
- Maintain about 150 IAS, still level, once the gear and flaps are down.
- You now will make your turn to final.  I prefer to make a long continuous 180 degree turn instead of two 90 degree turns.  Start this turn when your distance from the runway threshold in miles is approximately your altitude in thousands of feet.  If you are at 5000 feet, make your turn at 5 miles from the runway.  You will need to apply some power in the turn to keep your airspeed up.
- If you are too far from the runway (more than 1 mile per 1000 feet), then maintain 150 mph in level flight until you get to the proper distance.
- Assuming you are at the proper altitude and distance, make sure you are lined up with the runway, and decrease speed to 120 IAS.  Set throttle to about 3000 rpm.  This will give you a very nice glide slope.  Remember, if you are too high or too low, make corrections with the throttle, and don't move the stick too much.
- Bring her in right over the numbers, chop the throttle, and keep the nose up.  If you do it right the stall horn will just barely sound and she will sit right down on the rear wheels.  Get on the brakes hard, park her, and go have a beer, you are a jet bomber pilot stud!!!

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 03-08-2001).]

Offline Mitsu

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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2001, 07:49:00 PM »
Rato is so painful.

Offline DA98

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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2001, 08:56:00 PM »
And never, NEVER, start the RATOs too soon unless you want to loose 70 perkies.  


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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2001, 09:29:00 PM »
Ive flow 15 sorties with the arado so far and  the best way to take off well is this:

1 notch flaps.
hold brake till engins are at full
when you are 80% acroos the runway and right as yer front wheel picks up THEN fire the rato and raise flaps all the way.

It will get you at least 3k at over 5000fpm that way.

Offline Shamus

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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2001, 01:44:00 AM »
Funked, you just must be a flight instructor, printed it out for my first try

one of the cats

FSO Jagdgeschwader 11

Offline Duckwing6

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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2001, 05:35:00 AM »
Just one thing i'd change Funked:

Don't fire RATO Units before being down at least 1/2 the runway or having attained 80mph, if you fire them right at the start they willl be bured out just when you're retracting the gear at 50 Feet AGL... and then you go up with them.


(i preffer to comin for landing with 110 on final, gives me about a 3-5 degree pitch up attitude and being further back on the drag curve you can maintain some more RPM, which will be extremely important in case of a Balked landing and subsequent GO-Around (Spool up time!!)

Offline Cobra

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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2001, 09:18:00 AM »
I don't fire off the RATO's until after V1, just a little before V2.  About 100mph.  I find it gives a nice kick then.


Offline Fishu

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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2001, 10:05:00 AM »
I've got to same point with Cobra in my testings, engage RATOs around 90-110mph will give best results.
Usually I drop flaps down to half (one notch down) and then raise flaps after speed is above 140mph and let the boosters accerlate. (those flaps causes horrible drag)

Offline Jigster

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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2001, 10:16:00 AM »
anyone notice how manuverable it is with flaps down?

Perfect controls down to 100mph, alot like the P-38 in that respect...

Carrier take offs are a breeze with RATO...

- Bess

Offline Lephturn

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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2001, 01:24:00 PM »
It hammerheads really well with a couple notches of flap.    I'm not kidding.

It also does a really nice flop reversal with hard elevator at about 30 Mph from a vertical zoom.  I haven't tried letting it decay past 0 and seeing what happens yet.  Mostly because I was doing the hammerheads in the MA and I didn't want to lose my only Ar 234.    I'll have to try it offline tonight.

Sean "Lephturn" Conrad - Aces High Chief Trainer

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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2001, 11:15:00 PM »
The Arado has a dive brake.

There is no indicator, or external graphics for brakes to pop out, but there is an effect of a dive brake if you try it.

Useful for landing.


Offline Fishu

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Arado Takeoff/Landing
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2001, 07:48:00 AM »
Originally posted by Lephturn:
It hammerheads really well with a couple notches of flap.    I'm not kidding.

It also does a really nice flop reversal with hard elevator at about 30 Mph from a vertical zoom.  I haven't tried letting it decay past 0 and seeing what happens yet.  Mostly because I was doing the hammerheads in the MA and I didn't want to lose my only Ar 234.    I'll have to try it offline tonight.

It does those even with one engine  
When I've been testing its durability against the acks, I've just pulled up and stalled, then again sweeping by 350mph...
funny thing with Arado is its gliding ability - you can climb quite well without engines and still fly level for long time.