Author Topic: Stock Dell PC users & lalest patch  (Read 180 times)

Offline u2007

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Stock Dell PC users & lalest patch
« on: July 30, 2009, 08:37:27 PM »
With glee and some trepidation I loaded the new patch and launched the new version of AHII.

Oh dear, what problems I had.
I have a standard, bought online Dell Dimension 3100 PC and the new version was running with FPS of 0-20s.
Now without going into specs for my computer, let me says this. I was very disappointed with my initial run speed of the game. I followed advice from other players in relation to video settings, graphic detail settings, checking and un-checking boxes, etc.

To cut a long story short, I have some anti-logic to pass along to other DELL PC users that MIGHT work as it did in my case.
After hours of minimising all the settings on advice from forums, other playeyrs etc, I was at my wits end. Everything I did would results in decreased performaance. So being from down under, I tried to think outside the box and apply some fuzzy logic......

I selected 1200 x 1024, max setting in my case. I pumped my graphic options to full in game and pretty much all the settings available from low to high end.
Result: My FPS has gone UP!
Yes, I know this makes no sense but on my stock machine it worked!
FPS in air 50-70
on ground 20-40
which I find more than adequate to play AHII.
I know this wont work for all but if your at your wits end like I was, try something different.
Salute and good luck.
u2007 :aok