Just started thinking about this a bit this morning and thought it might make for some entertaining stories. When the I-16 came out I saw a bunch of posts about how it was going to be the next hanger queen and this may be true but I have to say even though the queens don't get flown much they have made for some of the best memories I have in my years of playing AH.
I'll kick this off with a few examples I can remember right off the top of my head and then if you guys could add in your own favorite hanger queen moments I think it would make for a good read.
Lets see back in AH1 I was doing a 10k run in a flight of JU88's (I think of these as the hanger queen of the heavy side bombers) and after doping my ord on the intended target I then had to fly the gauntlet of LA7's, P51's, 109 and 190's if I recall correctly back to base about 2 sectors away. To make this one quick and because it was so long ago I can't recall all the details I lost both drones and was missing so many parts and had so much smoke coming from various parts of the plane I never thought I would make it back but I managed to land 8 kills that run in my 88's.
Next would be my lone torp run with a B5N on a cv.. I was flying along minding my own business when I happen to look back and see a P51 racing along behind me closing in for the kill. I think to myself "Oh sugar cookies I'm dead." The pony comes screaming in on me and as soon as he gets close enough I open up with the massive firepower of my B5N's rear gun and the first ping or 2 hit the pony and pilot kill him instantly.
I almost crashed my plane into the water, I was laughing so hard. I'm sure the pony pilot thought I was hacking the game or something lol.
Hmm following the Japanese theme here I had decided to up a D3A to go fur balling in and found somebody in an uber spit16 that didn't view me as much of a threat. (come on really would you?)
After several rounds of trying to get on each others tail I finally latch on and after pumping almost all of my ammo into him finally took a wing off. Ahhh the smile I had on my face, well until I realized that I was to slow to get away from the fight with my hard won kill and went spinning into the ground with no tail.
And the last one I can remeber right off the top of my head would be the time I upped a 205 (I know I know not a true hanger queen) Any way I fly over to a base where a good fight is going and right away I took down an LA of some type and started to chase a an LA7 that was on a squad mates tail.. I worked like hell to keep up with them and pumped round after round into it wondering why the heck it was taking so much dang ammo to kill this guy. I finally kill him and run away with my hard won kills and made a safe landing only to see this pop up (FlaydONE landed 2 kills in a C202) LOL That explained some of the issues I had during the fight but made me feel good that I even got my kills and got out alive.
Any way these are the most comical or impressive ones I can think of right off the bat though there are a few runs in a Hurri1, spit1 and P40 that were excellent and people even saluted me for. Always makes me feel good to fly the queens and see that someone respects me for coming out for a fight in such a substandard ride. <S> to all of you hanger queen pilots and please post your favorite stories.