Author Topic: Screen flashes solid white frames  (Read 188 times)

Offline Chalenge

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Screen flashes solid white frames
« on: August 01, 2009, 11:22:53 PM »
I thought it was Spybot causing this problem but it returned after two separate furballs even with Spybot unloaded. It makes it hard to look at the screen at all because its like a strobe effect. It does not record through  AH film or Fraps either one. The solution seems to be alt-tab and back into the game and then it stops for the duration. The next time I start the game it will come back and so far everytime has been during furballs. I have no idea what could be causeing it or what the events have in common. Everytime a flash occurs I can see the Aces High program name on the upper left corner of the window as if the game was running in windowed mode.
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