That Norway shot is real pretty, I love the snow rallies. Also, if you have as much air as that ford, your navigator probably screwed up
I used to rock my Camry through the back roads of western NY all the time. I wish I was kidding. Nothing like putting that beastly 2.4 into a long power slide hairpin to get the blood flowing.
I over corrected her into a ditch/tree once, but other than that and a couple rocks in the undercarriage, maintained a pretty good track record. Unbelievable how smooth the handling was on such a basic sedan.
I too would without hesitation have joined some local rally leagues had I the funding to get/maintain a real car. Now that I live in DC, the closest thing I have is my somewhat reckless biking habits through incompetent traffic. In many ways it is more dangerous than firing a camry down dirt roads at excessive speeds