Author Topic: Stop dropping FHs....  (Read 19393 times)

Offline WMLute

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #270 on: August 13, 2009, 09:15:40 PM »

Thing is canacka I DID try to explain it to you.

I was short and concise and I thought pretty clear.

I will rephrase my post and see if that helps.

AcesHigh is about Aerial Combat.  That is the "point" of the game.

There are many facets in the game that HiTech put in there to help facilitate Aerial Combat.

The reason we have bombers is to help promote Aerial Combat.

Same thing with GV's, Carrier groups, Field Captures, etc.

Consider those things the "sidedish" whereas Aerial Combat is the "main course".

I was merely correcting you when you said that the "point" of the game is to "win the war" and that just is not true.

Far from it actually.

Those that play to "win the war", to me, are missing out on the best part of the game. 
Bombing? (easy). 
Ground Vehicles? (simple). 
Base captures? (we've all see 50 noobs swarm a field and get it, nothing difficult about field takes) 
Aerial Combat?  Now that is HARD.  It takes years and years and years to get "good" at it, which for me is what makes it so enjoyable.

Think that one through a bit.

Which would be the "point" of a game.  The things any 2 week new player can do?  Or something that takes years to master?

I fully understand those that gravitate to the "Sideshow" stuff.  Learning to get good at Aerial Combat is HARD.  Especially w/ the younger crowd.  They don't have the attention span (most of 'em) to practice for a year or 3 to get "decent", so they gravitate towards the "easy" stuff like base captures, bombers and GV's.  (granted this holds true for many of the older crowd as well)  It is the whole "path of least resistence" bit.

Of COURSE the bottom line of the game is to enjoy yourself.

Nobody is telling anybody they have to play a certain way, at least I am not.

As far as the DA is concerned it is only there so players can duel.  That is the Arenas "purpose".  I don't 'count' Dweeb Lake as they are not using the arena as intended.  (as has been stated by HTC)  Mostly squeakers and former H2H noobs who can't cut it in the MA.  They don't wanna have to climb or fly for 10-15min so they can die dumb trying to HO someone so they go to Dweeb Lake where they only have to fly 2-3 min before they die dumb.

(edit: I would like to add that if you practice with a good Trainer for a year or three you will probably "get" what I am trying to say.  It is a perspective thing.  I can see where you are coming from of course, I was new once.  Maybe after you log the hours/days/weeks/months/years to get proficient at Aerial Combat you just might see where I am coming from.  BUT most importantly HAVE FUN doing it.  Fun is the key here)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2009, 09:23:12 PM by WMLute »
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Offline canacka

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #271 on: August 13, 2009, 09:23:26 PM »
but what proof do you have that they dropped hangers just for the reason to aid in their base taking?  Did they come on vox and say, well since the hangers are down you might as well help us take the base?  I thought the thread started out as don't drop fighter hangers in a furball.  Someone else later added that they did it on purpose to tick others off, I need evidence to change my mind that's just how I am.  Didn't spend all those years, and money, in college studying criminal justice just to take hearsay and run with it without evidence.  That's my point.  But when I made a point earlier about how those that pay to play the game should play how they feel, I get insulted and branded.  Am I wrong in my statement?  Who is in charge of the main arenas please let me know.  And please tell me the thread of the official rules of the arenas, since I am still new.  I was purley trying to kill a thread that got way out of hand by some kids that kept adding their interpretation of something they probably weren't there for to begin with.  I have been trying to state facts, like bombers can bomb and furballers can furball, but it seems in this community you have to pick a side.  Well my side is the third side.  The one that watches the other 2 go at it and laughs at how juvenile they are behaving over a game.  If this is the most important thing you have, well then spend your time here the best you can, but I myself have better things in my life; ie: wife, kids that are more important to me.  It's also why I deal with insults the way I do.  Call me a tard, ok guess your right I am!  

YOUR missing MY point.  To many are making this too big a deal.  Your not having fun, because someone else is doing something that this game fully allows and by complaining about is getting you nowhere but even more frustrated!  Don't let it get to you.  You are paying to play this game not getting paid.  It's not a job.  And since it's not a job and your not getting paid you must be doing it for fun right?  But you are saying someone else is ruing your fun right?  But they pay the same money as you and are having their own fun.  It's a conflict of interest in striking the enemy.  You are hitting the enemy but in different ways and if the rules allow it there is nothing to complain about.  Now if someone HAS done something purposely to spoils someone else fun, show me the evidence and post it for all to see but accusations lead to posts like this, a never ending thread of people stating what they think is right when both side ARE right, and both sides are wrong.

edit: this post was being type dbefore I read yours Lute so it was not directed at yours.  And I think both of us were reading eachothers wrong cause  lot of what I have been trying to say you said in your last post.  Especially about having fun.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2009, 09:26:33 PM by canacka »
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #272 on: August 13, 2009, 09:34:15 PM »
but what proof do you have that they dropped hangers just for the reason to aid in their base taking?  Did they come on vox and say, well since the hangers are down you might as well help us take the base?  

When the player declares on country channel that's he is taking out the fighter hangers because we're not helping him retake lost bases is pretty good proof that the player's only intention is to ruin the other group's fun

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #273 on: August 13, 2009, 09:42:49 PM »
I agree with you steve, but the option is there to take bases. The whole point of what hitech was thinking, I believe, when he created the main arenas.  And besides, if you start steamrolling bases, pilots will start upping to stop it which in a sense, creates furballs. 

This is the point dedicated furballers, even some who have been here for years, just dont seem to get.
I've seen very few furballs that didnt start out with an attack on a base or as a base capture attempt.
Defenders up to try to defend the base and a furball which can sometimes last hours or even days ensues until one side gets the better of the other and either base is captured at which point there is often either a counter attack to retake the base  just lost or a momentary pause while things like the FH's regenerate and the above scenareo repeats itself all over again.

With the base spacing as they are required there is no reason to not start a new furball between two other bases. The "good fights" never end.  They just change scenery. At worst you get a slight pause. Use 6that 15 min to go to the bathroom or get something to eat or say a few words to your widow/future ex wife. Check on the ankle biters or if at work to actually do that little thing you get paid to

The furball is but one cog in the overall game. Its part of both the base capture and base defence. If one side does it right and everyone does their part, fighters,bombers etc they capture a base. If other side does it right and does their part in defending against the bombers and incoming fighters they successfully defend a base. If both sides do it right. You end up with a stalemate which becomes furball.
Furballs dont get killed. Only moved.
And when one temporarily ends unless its due to the horde. Its usually the fault of the furballers themselves at the defending bases for leaving field defense to someone else instead of doing their fair share.

If you have an active base. Expect its going to be attacked
IMO if your not willing to do your part to occasionally defend and always leave it for someone else to do. Then you surrender any legitimate right to complain when your FH's get dropped.

And c'mon even if you have to up from the next base over. Its not that long a ride. There is no rule that says you have to use full auto climb.
Up, level out get some speed up and pull into a slight climb. I promise you will end up at the furball area with a reasonable alt in less time then you think.
And if your FH's are down. Odds are there will be enemy over the base soon anyway. so your travel time to enemy targets isnt all that much longer then it would have been had the FH's not been dropped.
Only your takeoff location has changed.
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #274 on: August 13, 2009, 09:45:07 PM »
When the player declares on country channel that's he is taking out the fighter hangers because we're not helping him retake lost bases is pretty good proof that the player's only intention is to ruin the other group's fun


Not an exact quote but close enough.
"Lets face it. the object of the game is to piss the other guy off"  HTC member at one of the cons a couple of years ago (might even have been HT himself)

there is a recording of it somewhere on the boards
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #275 on: August 13, 2009, 09:47:29 PM »
For some reason I get the incredible urge to pork every fighter hanger I see now....

Bunch of cry babies...

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #276 on: August 13, 2009, 10:07:40 PM »
You win some and you lose some. You have the bomber guys who hit bases based on there position on the map and based on logic and you have those that love the smell of napalm in the morning. You have single prop jocks that like attacking stuff and those that like to dogfight..  no matter what you are always going to have the crowd in question in this topic, no matter how much you post about it in these forums.. don't sweat the small stuff.

if a bomber guy destroys the fighter hangers, pm the last guy that shot your down and see if he is willing to gather a bunch of people to move to another part of the map so you can duke it out.
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #277 on: August 13, 2009, 10:15:40 PM »
My head hurts.... my head hurts head hurts.....
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Offline JunkyII

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #278 on: August 13, 2009, 10:31:40 PM »
19 pages woot, canaka you say just have fun.....but what we are argueing is they harm fun gameplay when they kill furballs, understand. so please stop coming with the just do what you do and have fun arguement because it really doesnt fit here
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #279 on: August 13, 2009, 10:45:12 PM »
This is the point dedicated furballers, even some who have been here for years, just dont seem to get.
I've seen very few furballs that didnt start out with an attack on a base or as a base capture attempt.

Except for where I typed

For my part, I think we need capturable bases because I believe they start many of the fights.

and the only other furballer who commented on this agreed with me.
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #280 on: August 13, 2009, 11:04:13 PM »
This is the point dedicated furballers, even some who have been here for years, just dont seem to get.
I've seen very few furballs that didnt start out with an attack on a base or as a base capture attempt.
Defenders up to try to defend the base and a furball which can sometimes last hours or even days ensues until one side gets the better of the other and either base is captured at which point there is often either a counter attack to retake the base  just lost or a momentary pause while things like the FH's regenerate and the above scenareo repeats itself all over again.

With the base spacing as they are required there is no reason to not start a new furball between two other bases. The "good fights" never end.  They just change scenery. At worst you get a slight pause. Use 6that 15 min to go to the bathroom or get something to eat or say a few words to your widow/future ex wife. Check on the ankle biters or if at work to actually do that little thing you get paid to

The furball is but one cog in the overall game. Its part of both the base capture and base defence. If one side does it right and everyone does their part, fighters,bombers etc they capture a base. If other side does it right and does their part in defending against the bombers and incoming fighters they successfully defend a base. If both sides do it right. You end up with a stalemate which becomes furball.
Furballs dont get killed. Only moved.
And when one temporarily ends unless its due to the horde. Its usually the fault of the furballers themselves at the defending bases for leaving field defense to someone else instead of doing their fair share.

If you have an active base. Expect its going to be attacked
IMO if your not willing to do your part to occasionally defend and always leave it for someone else to do. Then you surrender any legitimate right to complain when your FH's get dropped.

And c'mon even if you have to up from the next base over. Its not that long a ride. There is no rule that says you have to use full auto climb.
Up, level out get some speed up and pull into a slight climb. I promise you will end up at the furball area with a reasonable alt in less time then you think.
And if your FH's are down. Odds are there will be enemy over the base soon anyway. so your travel time to enemy targets isnt all that much longer then it would have been had the FH's not been dropped.
Only your takeoff location has changed.
but what proof do you have that they dropped hangers just for the reason to aid in their base taking?  Did they come on vox and say, well since the hangers are down you might as well help us take the base?  I thought the thread started out as don't drop fighter hangers in a furball.  Someone else later added that they did it on purpose to tick others off, I need evidence to change my mind that's just how I am.  Didn't spend all those years, and money, in college studying criminal justice just to take hearsay and run with it without evidence.  That's my point.  But when I made a point earlier about how those that pay to play the game should play how they feel, I get insulted and branded.  Am I wrong in my statement?  Who is in charge of the main arenas please let me know.  And please tell me the thread of the official rules of the arenas, since I am still new.  I was purley trying to kill a thread that got way out of hand by some kids that kept adding their interpretation of something they probably weren't there for to begin with.  I have been trying to state facts, like bombers can bomb and furballers can furball, but it seems in this community you have to pick a side.  Well my side is the third side.  The one that watches the other 2 go at it and laughs at how juvenile they are behaving over a game.  If this is the most important thing you have, well then spend your time here the best you can, but I myself have better things in my life; ie: wife, kids that are more important to me.  It's also why I deal with insults the way I do.  Call me a tard, ok guess your right I am!  

YOUR missing MY point.  To many are making this too big a deal.  Your not having fun, because someone else is doing something that this game fully allows and by complaining about is getting you nowhere but even more frustrated!  Don't let it get to you.  You are paying to play this game not getting paid.  It's not a job.  And since it's not a job and your not getting paid you must be doing it for fun right?  But you are saying someone else is ruing your fun right?  But they pay the same money as you and are having their own fun.  It's a conflict of interest in striking the enemy.  You are hitting the enemy but in different ways and if the rules allow it there is nothing to complain about.  Now if someone HAS done something purposely to spoils someone else fun, show me the evidence and post it for all to see but accusations lead to posts like this, a never ending thread of people stating what they think is right when both side ARE right, and both sides are wrong.

edit: this post was being type dbefore I read yours Lute so it was not directed at yours.  And I think both of us were reading eachothers wrong cause  lot of what I have been trying to say you said in your last post.  Especially about having fun.
Thing is canacka I DID try to explain it to you.

I was short and concise and I thought pretty clear.

I will rephrase my post and see if that helps.

AcesHigh is about Aerial Combat.  That is the "point" of the game.

There are many facets in the game that HiTech put in there to help facilitate Aerial Combat.

The reason we have bombers is to help promote Aerial Combat.

Same thing with GV's, Carrier groups, Field Captures, etc.

Consider those things the "sidedish" whereas Aerial Combat is the "main course".

I was merely correcting you when you said that the "point" of the game is to "win the war" and that just is not true.

Far from it actually.

Those that play to "win the war", to me, are missing out on the best part of the game. 
Bombing? (easy). 
Ground Vehicles? (simple). 
Base captures? (we've all see 50 noobs swarm a field and get it, nothing difficult about field takes) 
Aerial Combat?  Now that is HARD.  It takes years and years and years to get "good" at it, which for me is what makes it so enjoyable.

Think that one through a bit.

Which would be the "point" of a game.  The things any 2 week new player can do?  Or something that takes years to master?

I fully understand those that gravitate to the "Sideshow" stuff.  Learning to get good at Aerial Combat is HARD.  Especially w/ the younger crowd.  They don't have the attention span (most of 'em) to practice for a year or 3 to get "decent", so they gravitate towards the "easy" stuff like base captures, bombers and GV's.  (granted this holds true for many of the older crowd as well)  It is the whole "path of least resistence" bit.

Of COURSE the bottom line of the game is to enjoy yourself.

Nobody is telling anybody they have to play a certain way, at least I am not.

As far as the DA is concerned it is only there so players can duel.  That is the Arenas "purpose".  I don't 'count' Dweeb Lake as they are not using the arena as intended.  (as has been stated by HTC)  Mostly squeakers and former H2H noobs who can't cut it in the MA.  They don't wanna have to climb or fly for 10-15min so they can die dumb trying to HO someone so they go to Dweeb Lake where they only have to fly 2-3 min before they die dumb.

(edit: I would like to add that if you practice with a good Trainer for a year or three you will probably "get" what I am trying to say.  It is a perspective thing.  I can see where you are coming from of course, I was new once.  Maybe after you log the hours/days/weeks/months/years to get proficient at Aerial Combat you just might see where I am coming from.  BUT most importantly HAVE FUN doing it.  Fun is the key here)

I didn't read a word of any of that.  :)

Folks, play nice.

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #281 on: August 13, 2009, 11:22:36 PM »
I didn't read a word of any of that.  :)

but commend it for it's passion. Defending something totally lame never looked so informative.

Me so confused, okai I go shoot down planes, I go bang bang they go boom boom, Kekekekekekeke ^_^

Grizz is a pretty smart dude. I found this passage elsewhere...... May these words be our guiding light in these over blown threads.
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #282 on: August 13, 2009, 11:55:10 PM »
Just out of curiosity, how hard would it be to de-ack a field (or at least take out a good chunk) in a level bomber?  If you can take out most of those, you'll be everybody's best friend...

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #283 on: August 14, 2009, 12:55:13 AM »
but commend it for it's passion. Defending something totally lame never looked so informative.

Grizz is a pretty smart dude. I found this passage elsewhere...... May these words be our guiding light in these over blown threads.

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #284 on: August 14, 2009, 01:27:05 AM »
Just out of curiosity, how hard would it be to de-ack a field (or at least take out a good chunk) in a level bomber?  If you can take out most of those, you'll be everybody's best friend...

It used to be really easy with the old laser bombsight (ack, ack, ack, hangar, hangar, ack, ack - that was one pass back then with salvos macro'd).  But it should still be doable nowadays, at least on small fields with lots of small bombs, 2 passes at a time (one side of the runway each).
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