Author Topic: I-16 lovin'?  (Read 1133 times)

Offline Krusty

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I-16 lovin'?
« on: August 23, 2009, 12:59:27 AM »
Some folks are tossing around the idea of The Bulge.

How about we move a bit more East and a lot further back in time?

How about some I-16 lovin'?

I'm not saying redo Operation Barbarrosa (we can't do that... right? Right guys? Is that even an option?), but something incorporating the lend-lease P-40s, P-39Ds, I-16s vs Bf 109Es, 109Fs, 110Gs, maybe some 190as in limited numbers? A crap-load of IL2s (booyah!), and no jets, no lalas, no yaks, just good old-fashioned mayhem on a 1942/43 scale.

Doing something early-Eastern-Front could include things like trying to cover a flight (4? maybe 6?) C-47s so that they can safely drop their supplies on damaged areas, or even just basic CM-specified zones (simulating supplying a field bombed by LW planes).

Frankly, I'm not a big fan of GV elements so far. I say that so you know why I haven't mentioned any yet. I'm thinking of an air campaign. The German army being too far west to engage the Soviets or some other excuse (*cough*whatever*cough*).


Offline Raptor

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Re: I-16 lovin'?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 10:36:56 AM »
I like the idea, maybe do Finland and some Brewster vs I-16 action

Offline Fencer51

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The names of the irrelevant have been changed to protect their irrelevance.
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As for the innocent, everyone needs to know they are innocent –
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Offline Krusty

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Re: I-16 lovin'?
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2009, 12:11:45 PM »
I like the idea, maybe do Finland and some Brewster vs I-16 action

Yeahh.... no.

Offline Krusty

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Re: I-16 lovin'?
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2009, 12:13:59 PM »,272275.0.html

I like something like that, definitely. I don't FSO anymore, or I might have seen that and referred to it.

Maybe make it a little later depending on other aircraft to include (if you want 110s, 190s, p39Qs, yak9t, etc). Definitely early or early-mid war VVS is what I'm looking for. Any later and the I-16 just doesn't fit.