I find that very revealing about Mr. Addink.
Now I see how he can tell me that it's not worth his time to have actual accurate gauges in planes that had them simply because he (and his audience) are Americans and don't like metric.
The key words are "out of touch" and "arrogant" I'd say.
As just one example: why would you want to know your critical alts so that you could click a simple key to change the supercharger setting? Simple: your plane might start gasping at that alt if you don't. The real ones did if the pilot didn't mind that one little lever. Hence it becomes part of the player's challenge in flying that plane to do the same. And a FAN of type might find that kind of minutae interesting.
Another one: in his diatribe against flap damage or auto retraction, he couldn't even figure out that some aircraft DID do that for you. Since that's a FACT, then allowing planes that didn't not to suffer damage (like increased drag, or loss of the flap itself; doesn't take a rocket scientist to be able to model that better than simply pretending the phenomena doesn't exist at all!), gives them an advantage they shouldn't enjoy. The same way that a plane that
actually was pretty much fully automatic (the FW190) gets shafted because the Spits and Hurris it is flying against have much easier pilot workload than they should. And you think that allowing a P-51D to tool around at 400mph ALL SORTIE isn't allowing it to enjoy an unrealistic advantage???
One thing does trump this entire discussion: whether you're satisfied with "just a stupid game" or if you're interested at all about WWII history, aviation, and the brave men and women that really flew these things for real. If you're not interested in any of those things, then I can see how you're not interested in anything that gets in the way of your "Nintendo-style fun". But if you DO give a sh*t about those other things, I'd think a greater level of realism would interest you.
Believe me, engine management isn't even
close to "hairshirt" realism-just-to-make-it-hard type of simulation...
Oh and then there's this little gem:
Please do a side by side of AH against any game on the market when it comes to flight dynamics.
First off, if he truly means GAME, and not sim, fine. But if he means compare against a SIM, he's got another think coming. For just one example, I point you towards the posts talking about the "ueberplane scourge" of the ... wait for it... BREWSTER BUFFALO.

If your sim has this spud terrorizing the arena AT ANY POINT in the war timespan, there are some serious issues with your flight modeling. Oh, I also noted in that thread that someone pointed out its climb rate... which was the climb rate for the F2A-1, a non-production variant of which 11 were ever made, BEFORE the Navy went and loaded it up with 300 lbs. or radios and such... seems Dale likes to take the stats he likes for his modeling, rather than accurately model a representative aircraft...