I've got the basics of the new TE down alright, but I've ran into two problems. Here's the deal. I've begun updating one of my terrains. It is called "Joust" and it is a simple terrain of one bowl-shaped island with two bases opposing each other. It's bug free and has always ran just fine for everyone. I've made offline missions on it. The old version is still available for download in the Offline Missions forum if anyone wants to see it plays just fine.
Tonight I opened the terrain up in the new TE and decided to add a nice coastline to it. That is all I changed. No problem. Well, after getting the coastline done, I decided to make a new clipboard map to match. This is where I encountered problem #1. Instead of the normal colored clipboard map we always had before, I got this:
The map is black & white instead of color AND the land doesn't show up at all. The island would normally be dead center in this shot. This I found very weird, but moved on. (Oh and yes, it is an 8bit .bmp, I double checked).
I decided to rebuild the terrain anyway, leaving the clipboard map as-is. I checked to make sure all my water was 0, all good. I saved. Then I hit Build. Here is where I ran into problem #2. This is what I got:
Can anyone from HTC help a brutha out? When one of you other fellas updates a terrain, let me know how it goes. This is very frustrating after spending all evening working on the coastline, just to be Errored out in the end.
What does Resource Build Failed mean? As in, what exactly would cause it? I've built
plenty of terrains. I know how. This however, is something I've never encountered, either of the problems/bugs.