It's the wrong question because you're looking for any excuse (not meant negatively) more management stuff and I'm looking at it the other way. I'd have complete physics before we ever get to instrumental gadgets.
Yes, I understand your viewpoint. I'm also in favor of accurate physics. I'm just concerned that you're contradicting yourself here compared to earlier opinions.
I can set this up like it's a beginning philosophy syllogism:
Universal: Changes to engine modeling that have the pilot do something extra are bad.
Particular: Widewing's proposal would have the pilot do something extra (or suffer a disadvantage).
Conclusion: Therefore, Widewing's proposal is bad.
Now, I would deny the universal premise, that's my personal opinion. You seem to be denying the particular premise, and that's what I don't get.
If you have changed your mind about the universal then we are in agreement. For instance, if you think making physics more accurate, even though it would have the pilot do something extra, is not bad, then you can no longer believe in the universal premise.