Author Topic: Some info about Me110s  (Read 273 times)

Offline hazed-

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Some info about Me110s
« on: May 15, 2001, 05:45:00 PM »
just thought id let you all see this from 'the lufftwaffe fighter force:the view from the cockpit' Adolf Galland et al:


Aircraft Equiptment of the various Zerstorer geschwader:

I/Z.G.26-Bf.110 with 4x2cm or 2x3cm(MK108) and 4x21cm RP.From may 1944, Me.410 with 4x2cm.

II/Z.G.26-Me.410 with 4x2cm,from early 1944 with 5cm (BK5) and 2x15mm.

III/Z.G.26-Like I/Z.G.26 but with GM 1 boost apperatus for oxygen injection.

I/Z.G.1-Bf.110 with 4x2cm or 2x3cm(MK108) and 4x21cm RP

I/Z.G.76-Bf.110 with 4x2cm or 2x3cm(MK103) and 2x15mm

II/Z.G.76-Bf.110 with GM 1-2x2cm,1x37mm(Flak 18) and 2x21cm RP,from may 1944,Me.410 with 2cm and 3cm(MK 103) mixed.

III/Z.G.76-like I/Z.G.76


dont know when/if we will get the me.110 or me.410 but hey now we know who flew what plane with what loadout.    


[This message has been edited by hazed- (edited 05-15-2001).]