Author Topic: Red Storm - Krupp Steel forums are open  (Read 1184 times)

Offline Brooke

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Red Storm - Krupp Steel forums are open
« on: September 25, 2009, 02:47:48 AM »
The following forums are now open, and registered players are added to them as follows.

Red Storm Krupp Steel General (for all registered players -- don't post side-confidential info here)
Red Storm Krupp Steel Allied (for allied players)
Red Storm Krupp Steel Allied Command (for allied command staff)
Red Storm Krupp Steel Axis (for axis players)
Red Storm Krupp Steel Axis Command (for axis command staff)
Red Storm Krupp Steel Confidential (for axis and allied command staffs and CM's)

Offline Brooke

  • Aces High CM Staff
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  • Posts: 15676
Re: Red Storm - Krupp Steel forums are open
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2009, 02:54:15 AM »
If you can't see the appropriate subset of the above forums even several days after you have registered, please:

1.  Log into
2.  Click on "Edit/View profile" on the left menu of the web page.
3.  Make sure under "Contact Info" that what it lists for "HTC's Forum ID" is your ID or name on this bulletin-board system.  In other words, the name you see when you post messages here.
4.  If it is not correct, click on "update your profile" near the top of the page and correct that info.

If your Forum ID is correct, post a message

here for allies:,274582.0.html

here for axis:,274583.0.html

You might not believe how many people don't fill in their Forum ID correctly -- but without it being filled in correctly, we can't give you access to the above forums.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 02:59:33 AM by Brooke »